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Get tapped word in a UITextview

I have added a uitextview which is initially non editable. I added a tap gesture which enable the editing to true. In the tap gesture selector I get the word that is being tapped. I have tried a lot many solution but none worked for me as a complete solution. Every solution worked if the textview is not scrolled. But if I scroll the textview the exact word is not retrieved. Here is my code for getting the tapped word:

 @objc func handleTap(_ sender: UITapGestureRecognizer) {

    notesTextView.isEditable = true
    notesTextView.textColor = UIColor.white

    if let textView = sender.view as? UITextView {

        var pointOfTap = sender.location(in: textView)
        print("x:\(pointOfTap.x) , y:\(pointOfTap.y)")

        let contentOffsetY = textView.contentOffset.y
        pointOfTap.y += contentOffsetY
        print("x:\(pointOfTap.x) , y:\(pointOfTap.y)")
        word(atPosition: pointOfTap)


func word(atPosition: CGPoint) -> String? {
    if let tapPosition = notesTextView.closestPosition(to: atPosition) {
        if let textRange = notesTextView.tokenizer.rangeEnclosingPosition(tapPosition , with: .word, inDirection: 1) {
            let tappedWord = notesTextView.text(in: textRange)
            print("Word: \(tappedWord)" ?? "")
            return tappedWord
        return nil
    return nil


Here is the demo project with the problem. https://github.com/amrit42087/TextViewDemo

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Amrit Sidhu Avatar asked Mar 07 '23 01:03

Amrit Sidhu

2 Answers

The best and easiest way in Swift 4


Step 1: Add Tap Gesture on the textview

let tap = UITapGestureRecognizer(target: self, action: #selector(tapResponse(recognizer:)))


Step 2: Implement Tap Gesture

@objc func tapResponse(recognizer: UITapGestureRecognizer) {
        let location: CGPoint = recognizer.location(in: textViewTC)
        let position: CGPoint = CGPoint(x: location.x, y: location.y)
        let tapPosition: UITextPosition = textViewTC.closestPosition(to: position)!
        guard let textRange: UITextRange = textViewTC.tokenizer.rangeEnclosingPosition(tapPosition, with: UITextGranularity.word, inDirection: 1) else {return}

        let tappedWord: String = textViewTC.text(in: textRange) ?? ""
        print("tapped word ->", tappedWord)

And yes thats it. Go for it.


The alternate way is that you can enable links for textview and then set the same as an attribute. Here is an example

var foundRange = attributedString.mutableString.range(of: "Terms of Use") //mention the parts of the attributed text you want to tap and get an custom action
attributedString.addAttribute(NSAttributedStringKey.link, value: termsAndConditionsURL, range: foundRange)

set this attribute text to Textview and textView.delegate = self

Now you just need to handle the response in

func textView(_ textView: UITextView, shouldInteractWith URL: URL, in characterRange: NSRange, interaction: UITextItemInteraction) -> Bool {

Hope it helps you. All the best.

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Kunal Gupta Avatar answered Mar 14 '23 23:03

Kunal Gupta

You don't need to add the content offset of the text view. When you convert location into a scrollview it will already take its content offset into account.


let contentOffsetY = textView.contentOffset.y
pointOfTap.y += contentOffsetY

should work.

like image 42
beyowulf Avatar answered Mar 14 '23 23:03
