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Get STRING response from restTemplate.put


I'm having a problem using Spring restTemplate.

For now i'm sending a PUT request for a restful service and that restful service send me back important informations in response.

The question is that restTemplate.put are a void method and not a string so i can't see that response.

Following some answers i've change my method and now i'm using restTemplate.exchange, here are my method:

public String confirmAppointment(String clientMail, String appId) {     String myJsonString = doLogin();      Response r = new Gson().fromJson(myJsonString, Response.class);      // MultiValueMap<String, String> map;     // map = new LinkedMultiValueMap<String, String>();      // JSONObject json;     // json = new JSONObject();      // json.put("status","1");      // map.add("data",json.toString());      String url = getApiUrl() + "company/" + getCompanyId() + "/appointment/" + appId + "?session_token=" + r.data.session_token;     String jsonp = "{\"data\":[{\"status\":\"1\"}]}";      RestTemplate rest = new RestTemplate();      HttpHeaders headers = new HttpHeaders();     headers.add("Content-Type", "application/json");     headers.add("Accept", "*/*");      HttpEntity<String> requestEntity = new HttpEntity<String>(jsonp, headers);     ResponseEntity<String> responseEntity =              rest.exchange(url, HttpMethod.PUT, requestEntity, String.class);      return responseEntity.getBody().toString(); } 

Using the method above, i receive a 400 Bad Request

I know my parameters, url and so, are just fine, cause i can do a restTemplate.put request like this:

try {     restTemplate.put(getApiUrl() + "company/" + getCompanyId() + "/appointment/" + appId + "?session_token=" + r.data.session_token, map); } catch(RestClientException j) {     return j.toString(); } 

The problem (like i said before) is that the try/catch above does not return any response but it gives me a 200 response.

So now i ask, what can be wrong?

like image 841
Alexandre Avatar asked Jun 03 '13 14:06


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1 Answers

Here's how you can check the response to a PUT. You have to use template.exchange(...) to have full control / inspection of the request/response.

    String url = "http://localhost:9000/identities/{id}";            Long id = 2l;     String requestBody = "{\"status\":\"testStatus2\"}";     HttpHeaders headers = new HttpHeaders();     headers.setContentType(MediaType.APPLICATION_JSON);      HttpEntity<String> entity = new HttpEntity<String>(requestBody, headers);      ResponseEntity<String> response = template.exchange(url, HttpMethod.PUT, entity, String.class, id);     // check the response, e.g. Location header,  Status, and body     response.getHeaders().getLocation();     response.getStatusCode();     String responseBody = response.getBody(); 
like image 80
dan carter Avatar answered Sep 16 '22 22:09

dan carter