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Good way to check if file extension is of an image or not


I have this file types Filters:

    public const string Png = "PNG Portable Network Graphics (*.png)|" + "*.png";     public const string Jpg = "JPEG File Interchange Format (*.jpg *.jpeg *jfif)|" + "*.jpg;*.jpeg;*.jfif";     public const string Bmp = "BMP Windows Bitmap (*.bmp)|" + "*.bmp";     public const string Tif = "TIF Tagged Imaged File Format (*.tif *.tiff)|" + "*.tif;*.tiff";     public const string Gif = "GIF Graphics Interchange Format (*.gif)|" + "*.gif";     public const string AllImages = "Image file|" + "*.png; *.jpg; *.jpeg; *.jfif; *.bmp;*.tif; *.tiff; *.gif";     public const string AllFiles = "All files (*.*)" + "|*.*";      static FilesFilters()     {         imagesTypes = new List<string>();         imagesTypes.Add(Png);         imagesTypes.Add(Jpg);         imagesTypes.Add(Bmp);         imagesTypes.Add(Tif);         imagesTypes.Add(Gif);    } 

OBS: Is there any default filters in .NET or a free library for that?

I need a static method that checks if a string is an image or not. How would you solve this?

    //ext == Path.GetExtension(yourpath)     public static bool IsImageExtension(string ext)     {         return (ext == ".bmp" || .... etc etc...)     } 

Solution using Jeroen Vannevel EndsWith. I think it is ok.

    public static bool IsImageExtension(string ext)     {         return imagesTypes.Contains(ext);     } 
like image 700
Pedro77 Avatar asked Jul 19 '13 00:07


People also ask

How can I tell what file type an image is?

If you are having trouble and want to check if you photo is a JPEG, look at the writing under the photo in its file name. If it ends . jpg or . jpeg- then the file is a JPEG and will upload.

How can you tell if a file is a PNG?

Open a file in a Hex editor (or just a binary file viewer). PNG files start with 'PNG', . jpg files should have 'exif'or 'JFIF' somewhere in the beginning.

2 Answers

You could use .endsWith(ext). It's not a very secure method though: I could rename 'bla.jpg' to 'bla.png' and it would still be a jpg file.

public static bool HasImageExtension(this string source){  return (source.EndsWith(".png") || source.EndsWith(".jpg")); } 

This provides a more secure solution:

string InputSource = "mypic.png"; System.Drawing.Image imgInput = System.Drawing.Image.FromFile(InputSource); Graphics gInput = Graphics.fromimage(imgInput); Imaging.ImageFormat thisFormat = imgInput.rawformat; 
like image 77
Jeroen Vannevel Avatar answered Oct 14 '22 01:10

Jeroen Vannevel

private static readonly string[] _validExtensions = {"jpg","bmp","gif","png"}; //  etc  public static bool IsImageExtension(string ext) {     return _validExtensions.Contains(ext.ToLower()); } 

If you want to be able to make the list configurable at runtime without recompiling, add something like:

private static string[] _validExtensions;  private static string[] ValidExtensions() {     if(_validExtensions==null)     {          // load from app.config, text file, DB, wherever     }     return _validExtensions }  public static bool IsImageExtension(string ext) {     return ValidExtensions().Contains(ext.ToLower()); } 
like image 28
nathanchere Avatar answered Oct 14 '22 03:10
