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Get ROWS as COLUMNS (SQL Server dynamic PIVOT query)

I'm using MS SQL 2008 R2, have three tables with following schema:

Table 1: Contains workshift info for each worker

CREATE TABLE workshift (
[ws_id] [bigint] NOT NULL,
[start_date] [datetime] NOT NULL,
[end_date] [datetime] NOT NULL,
[worker_id] [bigint] NOT NULL

INSERT INTO workshift VALUES (1, '2012-08-20 08:30:00', '2012-08-20 14:30:00', 1)
INSERT INTO workshift VALUES (2, '2012-08-20 14:30:00', '2012-08-20 22:30:00', 2)

Table 2: Contains monetary denominations

CREATE TABLE currency_denom (
[cd_id] [decimal](7, 2) NOT NULL,
[name] [nchar](100) NOT NULL

INSERT INTO currency_denom VALUES (1, '100.00')
INSERT INTO currency_denom VALUES (2, '50.00')
INSERT INTO currency_denom VALUES (3, '20.00')
INSERT INTO currency_denom VALUES (4, '10.00')
INSERT INTO currency_denom VALUES (5, '5.00')
INSERT INTO currency_denom VALUES (6, '1.00')

Table 3: Contains the quantity of each denomination the worker has received in every workshift

CREATE TABLE currency_by_workshift (
[cd_id] [decimal](7, 2) NOT NULL,
[ws_id] [bigint] NOT NULL,
[qty] [int] NOT NULL

INSERT INTO currency_by_workshift VALUES (1, 1, 1)
INSERT INTO currency_by_workshift VALUES (2, 1, 2)
INSERT INTO currency_by_workshift VALUES (3, 1, 2)
INSERT INTO currency_by_workshift VALUES (2, 2, 3)
INSERT INTO currency_by_workshift VALUES (4, 2, 4)
INSERT INTO currency_by_workshift VALUES (5, 2, 2)

I need to get the currency_by_workshift values in columns instead of rows, along with the workshift values, that is:

workshift |     workshift       |     workshift       | 100.00 | 50.00 | 20.00 | 10.00 | 5.00 | 1.00 
  ws_id   |     start_date      |     end_date        |        |       |       |       |      | 

    1     | 2012-08-20 08:30:00 | 2012-08-20 14:30:00 |    1   |   2   |   2   |   0   |   0  |   0
    2     | 2012-08-20 14:30:00 | 2012-08-20 22:30:00 |    0   |   2   |   0   |   4   |   2  |   0

I'm not able to use a case to count quantities for each currency denomination because they are configurable, if a new denomination is added, the query should be modified. Same applies if using PIVOT function, or I'm wrong?

How can I get the info that way?

like image 231
Alex Avatar asked Aug 22 '12 14:08


People also ask

How do I dynamically pivot a column in SQL?

The FOR keyword is a special keyword used for the pivot table in SQL Server scripts. This operator tells the pivot operator on which column do we need to apply the pivot function. Basically, the column which is to be converted from rows into columns.

2 Answers

@bluefeet provided a very good answer utilizing the built in PIVOT functionality. However, I frequently find the PIVOT and UNPIVOT nomenclature confusing and I have yet to encounter a situation where the same results can't be achieved with standard aggregations:

select w.ws_id, w.start_date, w.end_date,
    [100.00] = isnull(sum(case when c.name='100.00' then cw.qty else null end), 0),
    [50.00]  = isnull(sum(case when c.name='50.00'  then cw.qty else null end), 0),
    [20.00]  = isnull(sum(case when c.name='20.00'  then cw.qty else null end), 0),
    [10.00]  = isnull(sum(case when c.name='10.00'  then cw.qty else null end), 0),
    [5.00]   = isnull(sum(case when c.name='5.00'   then cw.qty else null end), 0),
    [1.00]   = isnull(sum(case when c.name='1.00'   then cw.qty else null end), 0)
from workshift w
    join currency_by_workshift cw on w.ws_id=cw.ws_id
    join currency_denom c on cw.cd_id=c.cd_id
group by w.ws_id, w.start_date, w.end_date

If you want to do a dynamic pivot, you only need to build a string of the pivot columns once:

    @query  AS NVARCHAR(MAX)

select @cols = 
stuff(( select replace(',[@name] = isnull(sum(case when c.name=''@name'' then cw.qty else null end), 0)'
                       , '@name', rtrim(name))
        from currency_denom
        order by cd_id
        for xml path(''), type
    ).value('.', 'nvarchar(max)')

select @query = '
select w.ws_id, w.start_date, w.end_date, '+@cols+'
from workshift w
    join currency_by_workshift cw on w.ws_id=cw.ws_id
    join currency_denom c on cw.cd_id=c.cd_id
group by w.ws_id, w.start_date, w.end_date

like image 69
chezy525 Avatar answered Oct 27 '22 00:10


What you are trying to do is called a PIVOT. There are two ways to do this, either with a Static Pivot or a Dynamic Pivot.

Static Pivot - is where you will hard-code the values of the rows to transform to columns (See SQL Fiddle with Demo):

select ws_id,
  IsNull([100.00], 0) [100.00],
  IsNull([50.00], 0) [50.00],
  IsNull([20.00], 0) [20.00],
  IsNull([10.00], 0) [10.00],
  IsNull([5.00], 0) [5.00],
  IsNull([1.00], 0) [1.00]
  select ws.ws_id,
  from workshift ws
  left join currency_by_workshift cbw
    on ws.ws_id = cbw.ws_id
  left join currency_denom cd
    on cbw.cd_id = cd.cd_id
) x
  for name in ([100.00], [50.00], [20.00], [10.00], [5.00], [1.00])
) p

Dynamic pivot is where the columns are determined at run-time (see SQL Fiddle with Demo):

    @query  AS NVARCHAR(MAX),
    @colsPivot AS NVARCHAR(MAX)

select @colsPivot = 
  STUFF((SELECT ', IsNull(' + QUOTENAME(rtrim(name)) +', 0) as ['+ rtrim(name)+']' 
                    from currency_denom
                   GROUP BY name
                   ORDER BY cast(name as decimal(10, 2)) desc
            FOR XML PATH(''), TYPE
            ).value('.', 'NVARCHAR(MAX)') 

select @cols = STUFF((SELECT distinct ', ' + QUOTENAME(name)
                    from currency_denom
            FOR XML PATH(''), TYPE
            ).value('.', 'NVARCHAR(MAX)') 

set @query 
      = 'SELECT ws_id, start_date, end_date,' + @colsPivot + ' from 
            select ws.ws_id,
            from workshift ws
            left join currency_by_workshift cbw
              on ws.ws_id = cbw.ws_id
            left join currency_denom cd
              on cbw.cd_id = cd.cd_id
         ) x
            for name in (' + @cols + ')
         ) p '


Both versions will produce the same results.

like image 29
Taryn Avatar answered Oct 26 '22 23:10
