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Using tsql greater than sign in CASE Expression

(case [dbo].[YearsInService]([DateEngaged],getdate())
   when (0) then (0) 
   when (1) then (4) 
   when (2) then (8)
    when (3) then (12)
     when (4) then (32) 
     when (5) then (40) 
     when (6) then (48) 
     when (7) then (56) 
     when (8) then (104) 
     when (9) then (117) 
     when (10) then (150) else (-1) end)

Now in my the last line, how can i say that 10 and above should be returned as 150?

like image 262
StackTrace Avatar asked Apr 08 '13 13:04


2 Answers

You can't, the CASE YourFunction WHEN ... is for equalities only. If you need to use "greater than", you'll need to rewrite your expression this way:

CASE WHEN [dbo].[YearsInService]([DateEngaged],getdate()) = 0 THEN 0
WHEN [dbo].[YearsInService]([DateEngaged],getdate()) = 1 THEN 4
WHEN [dbo].[YearsInService]([DateEngaged],getdate()) >= 10 THEN 150 ELSE -1 END
like image 195
Lamak Avatar answered Sep 28 '22 02:09


You are using a Simple Case statement where logical expressions are not allowed. You need to use a Searched CASE expression. But in your case since you are using a function it will be bit costly to get the return value from the function for each expression.

Here is MSDN Link for both Simple Case and Searched CASE Syntax

I would suggest you to use a sub query with a Searched case as bellow.

select case when results = 0 then 0
            when results = 1 then 4
            when results >= 10 then 150
            else -1 end as CaseResults
from (select [dbo].[YearsInService]([DateEngaged],getdate()) results
      from yourTable
     ) Temp
like image 45
Kaf Avatar answered Sep 28 '22 00:09
