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Get reference to element in method in Vue.js



How can I get reference to the element that fired the method in Vue.js? I have HTML like this:

 <input type="text" v-model="dataField" v-bind:class="dataFieldClass" /> 

And in my Vue.js viewmodel I have a method:

dataFieldClass: function () {     // Here I need the element and get its ID     // Pseudo code     var elementId = $element.id; } 

I know that it's possible to get the element from event (v-on:click), but this is not an event, it's a simple method returning CSS class for the element according to few conditions of the viewmodel. It should be computable as well, but the problem is the same.

like image 343
Ondrej Vencovsky Avatar asked Jun 15 '17 13:06

Ondrej Vencovsky

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2 Answers

You can get the reference to your element in three ways

1. with Method Event Handlers (doc)


<input type="text" v-model="dataField" v-bind:class="dataFieldClass" /> 


dataFieldClass: function (e) {     const element = e.target; } 

2. with Inline Handlers (doc)


 <input type="text" v-model="dataField" v-bind:class="dataFieldClass($event, otherArgument)" /> 


dataFieldClass: function (e, otherArgument) {     const element = e.target; } 

3. with Refs (doc)


 <input type="text" v-model="dataField" v-bind:class="dataFieldClass" ref="el"/> 


dataFieldClass: function () {     const element = this.$refs.el; } 
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robinalaerts Avatar answered Sep 21 '22 15:09


Maybe you could use ref?

<input type="text" v-model="dataField" v-bind:class="dataFieldClass" ref="el" /> 

And use it like this:

dataFieldClass: function () {     var elementId = this.$refs.el; } 

See documentation here: https://vuejs.org/v2/api/#ref

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Daniel Diekmeier Avatar answered Sep 19 '22 15:09

Daniel Diekmeier