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Get reactive var from another template in Meteor

I have a template with some nested templates in Meteor:

<template name="collectingTmpl">
  {{> firstTmpl}}
  {{> secondTmpl}}

If I set a reactive var/dict in firstTmpl with

  'click .class-name': function(event, template) {
    template.state = new ReactiveDict;
    template.state.set('someName', 'someValue');

I can get this value within the same template with

  myValue: function() {

but can I also retrieve the value being set in firstTmpl from secondTmpl?

I mean something like

  myValueFromAnotherTmpl: function() {
like image 717
mortensen Avatar asked Jul 24 '15 15:07


2 Answers

You could alternatively set the ReactiveDict on the parent template which is collectingTmpl.

// always initialize your template instance properties
// in an onCreated lifecycle event
  this.firstTmplState = new ReactiveDict();

Then you can obtain references to this template instance property in child templates using this code :

  // warning, this line is depending on how many parent templates
  // the current template has before reaching collectingTmpl
  var collectingTmplInstance = this.view.parentView.templateInstance();
  this.firstTmplState = collectingTmplInstance.firstTmplState;

  var collectingTmplInstance = this.view.parentView.templateInstance();
  this.firstTmplState = collectingTmplInstance.firstTmplState;

Then you can use the standard Template.instance().firstTmplState syntax in any of your 3 templates and they'll always point to the same ReactiveVar instance defined as a property of collectingTmpl.

like image 177
saimeunt Avatar answered Oct 19 '22 10:10


If you take care on a currently issue of blaze (missing data context), you are able to access other templates vars by Template.parentData().

See this MeteorPad as a demo, the background color will be changed onn each player when pressing the button. the color is defined by their parent template:


You may also read at GitHub PullRequest about some updates I suggest


Cheers Tom

like image 24
Tom Freudenberg Avatar answered Oct 19 '22 11:10

Tom Freudenberg