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Find and manipulate a React.js component from the JavaScript console

When I work with JS I tend to whip out a console for the browser and manipulate values on the fly.

I have a page where I use React to render some components and I had the idea that it would be great to be able to manipulate it's state from the console to debug a design quirk which is only visible if the component is in a corner-case state.

I ran into problem that I was unable to get hold of a reference to my component.

I figured there might be a list of active components currently being rendered somewhere, but I was not able to find one on the React global object or anywhere else.

Is there an exposed reference to the components being rendered?

I'm rendering the component like:

<script>React.render(React.createElement(Comp, domElem))</script>

I could store a reference to the result of React.createElement() but it seems to be an antipattern. Also I'm using the ReactJS.NET library to handle server-side rendering for me so the whole React.render line is generated and is hard to modify.

My other idea was to create a mixin that makes the component explicitly expose itself on mount, like:

var ActiveComponents = [];
var debugMixin = {
    componentDidMount: function () {
        var id = this.getDOMNode().id;
        ActiveComponents[id] = {
            id: id,
            getState: () => { return this.state; },
            setState: (state) => { this.setState(state); },
            comp: this

Are there drawbacks for an approach like this? Is this the same antipattern mentioned above?

Although being much cleaner than entangling these test hooks in the component code directly, adding a mixin is still a modification, and I would like to avoid that if possible.

The questions I hope to get answers for are bolded.

like image 317
vinczemarton Avatar asked Jul 03 '15 15:07


1 Answers

A workaround for this is to assign your object to the window object:

window.myStateObject = myStateObject

and then you can inspect it in the console:

like image 143
Fellow Stranger Avatar answered Oct 09 '22 01:10

Fellow Stranger