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Get position of clicked element with jquery?




I want to scroll to get an item into view when it's clicked, however I cannot manage to get it's top position on click:

This is what I'm trying right now:

    $( "section" ).click(function(e) {
        console.log("thing top: "+$(this).position().top);
        //$('html,body').animate({ scrollTop: 0 }, 'slow');
        //return false; 

However I always get the same top position, now matter what element is clicked. How can I do this right?

like image 774
lisovaccaro Avatar asked Aug 26 '13 13:08


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How to get clicked element position in jQuery?

The . position() method allows us to retrieve the current position of an element (specifically its margin box) relative to the offset parent (specifically its padding box, which excludes margins and borders). Contrast this with . offset() , which retrieves the current position relative to the document.

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To get the position of all the elements between what you clicked on and the document, you have the getPosition function. This function provides you with the additional pieces of information needed to make your existing calculations involving clientX and clientY complete.

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Although both methods have some similarities, but the jQuery offset() method is different from the jQuery position() method. The offset() method retrieves the current position relative to the document, whereas the position() method retrieves the current position of an element relative to the parent element.

1 Answers

Try $(this).offset().top as it gets the position relative to the document rather than the parent


like image 108
DGS Avatar answered Oct 10 '22 18:10