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Get parameters from the intent used for onResume()

I'm using a LocalActivityManager to have activities in different tabs, when I switch from a tab to another one, I start the Activity corresponding to the tab selected. My problem is simple :

if I click on tab 1, I create intent11 and the first time, the method onCreate(Bundle emptyBundle) of Activity1 is called. If I click on tab 2, I create intent2 and the method onCreate() is called. Then, when I click on tab1, I create intent12 , the method onCreate(Bundle emptyBundle) is not called but onResume() is called (normal behavior).

I put special extras in the intent11 and intent12 to create Activity1, so I access it using getIntent().getExtras().

My problem is : the second time I go to the tab1, the intent12 is used to start the Activity, but the result of getIntent() is still intent11. So I can't retreive the extras set in intent12, I can only retreive the extras set in intent11.

What am I doing wrong ? Should I avoid putting extras() in the intents ? Thank you.

Thank you.

PS : for the moment, I set a special flag to my intent to force to call onCreate(), but I'm sure it's not the good way of doing it.

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user860302 Avatar asked Jul 26 '11 15:07


2 Answers

I believe what you are looking for is here: https://developer.android.com/reference/android/app/Activity.html#onNewIntent%28android.content.Intent%29

onNewIntent(Intent newIntent) allows you to override the previous intent that was used to create/resume the app with the newest intent.

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EmCo Avatar answered Sep 28 '22 06:09


In Xamarin.Android / Monotouch I just added the following method to my Activity and it worked smoothly.

    protected override void OnNewIntent(Intent intent)
        Intent = intent;

The principle should work fine also in Native Android.

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Daniele D. Avatar answered Sep 28 '22 05:09

Daniele D.