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Get OpenGL max texture size

I'm developing an Android app that's going to work with bitmaps extensively and I'm looking for a reliable way to get the maximum texture size for OpenGL on different devices.
I know the minimum size = 2048x2048, but that's not good enough since there are already tablets out there with much higher resolutions (2560x1600 for example)
So is there a reliable way to get this information?

So far I've tried:

  • Canvas.getMaximumBitmapWidth() (Returns 32766, instead of 2048)
  • GLES10.glGetIntegerv(GL10.GL_MAX_TEXTURE_SIZE ...) (Returns 0)

I'm working with minimum-sdk = 15 (ICS) and I'm testing it on a Asus Transformer TF700t Infinity

Does anyone know another way to get it? Or will I have to compile a list of known GPUs with their max canvas size?

like image 313
CJ Scholten Avatar asked Nov 17 '14 20:11

CJ Scholten

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GL_TEXTURE_2D: Images in this texture all are 2-dimensional. They have width and height, but no depth. GL_TEXTURE_3D: Images in this texture all are 3-dimensional. They have width, height, and depth. GL_TEXTURE_RECTANGLE: The image in this texture (only one image.

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Texture units are references to texture objects that can be sampled in a shader. Textures are bound to texture units using the glBindTexture function you've used before. Because you didn't explicitly specify which texture unit to use, the texture was bound to GL_TEXTURE0 .

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There are three kinds of storage for textures: mutable storage, immutable storage, and buffer storage. Only Buffer Textures can use buffer storage, where the texture gets its storage from a Buffer Object. And similarly, buffer textures cannot use mutable or immutable storage.

1 Answers

try using this code

int[] maxTextureSize = new int[1];
GLES10.glGetIntegerv(GL10.GL_MAX_TEXTURE_SIZE, maxTextureSize, 0);

maxTextureSize stores the size limit for decoded image such as 4096x4096, 8192x8192 . Remember to run this piece of code in the MainThread or you will get Zero.

like image 120
tinaJohnny Avatar answered Sep 22 '22 21:09
