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Get mouse wheel events in jQuery?

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How to get mouse scroll event in jQuery?

$(window). bind('mousewheel DOMMouseScroll', function(event){ if (event. originalEvent. wheelDelta > 0 || event.

How can use scroll event in jQuery?

jQuery scroll() MethodThe scroll event occurs when the user scrolls in the specified element. The scroll event works for all scrollable elements and the window object (browser window). The scroll() method triggers the scroll event, or attaches a function to run when a scroll event occurs.

How get scroll count in jQuery?

$(document). ready(function(){ var scrollPos = 0; var Counter = 0; $(window). scroll(function(){ var scrollPosCur = $(this). scrollTop(); if (scrollPosCur > scrollPos) { Counter -= 1; } else { Counter += 1; } scrollPos = scrollPosCur; }); });

What is Onwheel?

The onwheel event occurs when the mouse wheel is rolled up or down over an element. The onwheel event also occurs when the user scrolls or zooms in or out of an element by using a touchpad (like the "mouse" of a laptop).

    $('#foo').bind('mousewheel', function(e){
        if(e.originalEvent.wheelDelta /120 > 0) {
            console.log('scrolling up !');
            console.log('scrolling down !');

Binding to both mousewheel and DOMMouseScroll ended up working really well for me:

$(window).bind('mousewheel DOMMouseScroll', function(event){
    if (event.originalEvent.wheelDelta > 0 || event.originalEvent.detail < 0) {
        // scroll up
    else {
        // scroll down

This method is working in IE9+, Chrome 33, and Firefox 27.

Edit - Mar 2016

I decided to revisit this issue since it's been a while. The MDN page for the scroll event has a great way of retrieving the scroll position that makes use of requestAnimationFrame, which is highly preferable to my previous detection method. I modified their code to provide better compatibility in addition to scroll direction and position:

(function() {
  var supportOffset = window.pageYOffset !== undefined,
    lastKnownPos = 0,
    ticking = false,

  function doSomething(scrollPos, scrollDir) {
    // Your code goes here...
    console.log('scroll pos: ' + scrollPos + ' | scroll dir: ' + scrollDir);

  window.addEventListener('wheel', function(e) {
    currYPos = supportOffset ? window.pageYOffset : document.body.scrollTop;
    scrollDir = lastKnownPos > currYPos ? 'up' : 'down';
    lastKnownPos = currYPos;

    if (!ticking) {
      window.requestAnimationFrame(function() {
        doSomething(lastKnownPos, scrollDir);
        ticking = false;
    ticking = true;
See the Pen Vanilla JS Scroll Tracking by Jesse Dupuy (@blindside85) on CodePen.

This code is currently working in Chrome v50, Firefox v44, Safari v9, and IE9+


  • https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/Events/scroll
  • https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/Events/wheel

As of now in 2017, you can just write

$(window).on('wheel', function(event){

  // deltaY obviously records vertical scroll, deltaX and deltaZ exist too.
  // this condition makes sure it's vertical scrolling that happened
  if(event.originalEvent.deltaY !== 0){

    if(event.originalEvent.deltaY < 0){
      // wheeled up
    else {
      // wheeled down

Works with current Firefox 51, Chrome 56, IE9+

There's a plugin that detects up/down mouse wheel and velocity over a region.