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get list of occurrences using pandas

Given a list of animals, like:

animals = ['cat', 'dog', 'hamster', 'dolphin']

and pandas dataframe, df:

id    animals
1     dog,cat
2     dog
3     cat,dolphin
4     cat,dog
5     hamster,dolphin 

I want to get a new dataframe showing occurrence of each animal, something like:

animal    ids
cat       1,3,4
dog       1,2,4
hamster   5        
dolphin   3,5

I know I can run a loop and prepare it, but I have the list of over 80,000 words with dataframe of over 1 million rows, so it would take long to do it using loop. Is there an easier and faster method to get the result using dataframe?

like image 257
Ahmet Cetin Avatar asked Aug 21 '20 20:08

Ahmet Cetin

People also ask

How do you count occurrences in pandas?

How do you Count the Number of Occurrences in a data frame? To count the number of occurrences in e.g. a column in a dataframe you can use Pandas value_counts() method. For example, if you type df['condition']. value_counts() you will get the frequency of each unique value in the column “condition”.

How do you count occurrences in a list?

Using the count() Function The "standard" way (no external libraries) to get the count of word occurrences in a list is by using the list object's count() function. The count() method is a built-in function that takes an element as its only argument and returns the number of times that element appears in the list.

How do you find the number of occurrences in Python?

Operator. countOf() is used for counting the number of occurrences of b in a. It counts the number of occurrences of value. It returns the Count of a number of occurrences of value.

3 Answers

Let us try get_dummies then dot

cat        1,3,4
dog        1,2,4
dolphin      3,5
hamster        5
dtype: object

If would considered the list add reindex

cat        1,3,4
dog        1,2,4
hamster        5
dolphin      3,5
dtype: object
like image 111
BENY Avatar answered Oct 11 '22 06:10


NumPy based one for perf. -

def list_occ(df):
    sidx = np.argsort(animals)
    s = [i.split(',') for i in df[item_col]]
    d = np.concatenate(s)
    p = sidx[np.searchsorted(animals, d, sorter=sidx)]
    C = np.bincount(p, minlength=len(animals))
    l = list(map(len,s))
    r = np.repeat(np.arange(len(l)), l)
    v = df[id_col].values[r[np.lexsort((r,p))]]
    out = pd.DataFrame({'ids':np.split(v, C[:-1].cumsum())}, index=animals)
    return out

Sample run -

In [41]: df
  id          animals
0  1          dog,cat
1  2              dog
2  3      cat,dolphin
3  4          cat,dog
4  5  hamster,dolphin

In [42]: animals
Out[42]: ['cat', 'dog', 'hamster', 'dolphin']

In [43]: list_occ(df)
cat      [1, 3, 4]
dog      [1, 2, 4]
hamster        [5]
dolphin     [3, 5]


Using the given sample and simply scale up the number of items.

# Setup
N = 100 # scale factor
s = [i.split(',') for i in df['animals']]
df_big = pd.DataFrame({'animals':[[j+str(ID) for j in i] for i in s for ID in range(1,N+1)]})
df_big['id'] = range(1, len(df_big)+1)
animals = np.unique(np.concatenate(df_big.animals)).tolist()
df_big['animals'] = [','.join(i) for i in df_big.animals]
df = df_big

Timings -

# Using given df & scaling it up by replicating elems with progressive IDs
In [9]: N = 100 # scale factor
   ...: s = [i.split(',') for i in df['animals']]
   ...: df_big = pd.DataFrame({'animals':[[j+str(ID) for j in i] for i in s for ID in range(1,N+1)]})
   ...: df_big['id'] = range(1, len(df_big)+1)
   ...: animals = np.unique(np.concatenate(df_big.animals)).tolist()
   ...: df_big['animals'] = [','.join(i) for i in df_big.animals]
   ...: df = df_big

# @BEN_YO's soln-1
In [10]: %timeit df.animals.str.get_dummies(',').T.dot(df.id.astype(str)+',').str[:-1]
163 ms ± 2.94 ms per loop (mean ± std. dev. of 7 runs, 10 loops each)

# @BEN_YO's soln-2
In [11]: %timeit df.animals.str.get_dummies(',').T.dot(df.id.astype(str)+',').str[:-1].reindex(animals)
166 ms ± 4.52 ms per loop (mean ± std. dev. of 7 runs, 10 loops each)

# @Andy L.'s soln
%timeit (df.astype(str).assign(animals=df.animals.str.split(',')).explode('animals').groupby('animals').id.agg(','.join).reset_index())
13.4 ms ± 74 µs per loop (mean ± std. dev. of 7 runs, 100 loops each)

In [12]: %timeit list_occ(df)
2.81 ms ± 101 µs per loop (mean ± std. dev. of 7 runs, 100 loops each)
like image 20
Divakar Avatar answered Oct 11 '22 04:10


Use str.split, explode and agg.join

df_final = (df.astype(str).assign(animals=df.animals.str.split(','))

   animals     id
0      cat  1,3,4
1      dog  1,2,4
2  dolphin    3,5
3  hamster      5
like image 36
Andy L. Avatar answered Oct 11 '22 06:10

Andy L.