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How nltk.TweetTokenizer different from nltk.word_tokenize?

I am unable to understand the difference between the two. Though, I come to know that word_tokenize uses Penn-Treebank for tokenization purposes. But nothing on TweetTokenizer is available. For which sort of data should I be using TweetTokenizer over word_tokenize?

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Mehul Gupta Avatar asked May 20 '20 17:05

Mehul Gupta

People also ask

What is NLTK word_tokenize?

word_tokenize is a function in Python that splits a given sentence into words using the NLTK library. Figure 1 below shows the tokenization of sentence into words. Figure 1: Splitting of a sentence into words. In Python, we can tokenize with the help of the Natural Language Toolkit ( NLTK ) library.

What is TweetTokenizer?

NLTK has this special method called TweetTokenizer() that helps to tokenize Tweet Corpus into relevant tokens. The advantage of using TweetTokenizer() compared to regular word_tokenize is that, when processing tweets, we often come across emojis, hashtags that need to be handled differently.

How do you use tokenization in NLTK?

Tokenization with NLTK This is a suite of libraries and programs for statistical natural language processing for English written in Python. NLTK contains a module called tokenize with a word_tokenize() method that will help us split a text into tokens. Once you installed NLTK, write the following code to tokenize text.

Does NLTK Tokenize remove punctuation?

NLTK removes punctuation with a significant volume of textual data; we know how difficult it can be to discover and remove extraneous words or letters.

1 Answers

Well, both tokenizers almost work the same way, to split a given sentence into words. But you can think of TweetTokenizer as a subset of word_tokenize. TweetTokenizer keeps hashtags intact while word_tokenize doesn't.

I hope the below example will clear all your doubts...

from nltk.tokenize import TweetTokenizer
from nltk.tokenize import  word_tokenize
tt = TweetTokenizer()
tweet = "This is a cooool #dummysmiley: :-) :-P <3 and some arrows < > -> <-- @remy: This is waaaaayyyy too much for you!!!!!!"

# output
# ['This', 'is', 'a', 'cooool', '#dummysmiley', ':', ':-)', ':-P', '<3', 'and', 'some', 'arrows', '<', '>', '->', '<--', '@remy', ':', 'This', 'is', 'waaaaayyyy', 'too', 'much', 'for', 'you', '!', '!', '!']
# ['This', 'is', 'a', 'cooool', '#', 'dummysmiley', ':', ':', '-', ')', ':', '-P', '<', '3', 'and', 'some', 'arrows', '<', '>', '-', '>', '<', '--', '@', 'remy', ':', 'This', 'is', 'waaaaayyyy', 'too', 'much', 'for', 'you', '!', '!', '!', '!', '!', '!']

You can see that word_tokenize has split #dummysmiley as '#' and 'dummysmiley', while TweetTokenizer didn't, as '#dummysmiley'. TweetTokenizer is built mainly for analyzing tweets. You can learn more about tokenizer from this link

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Darkknight Avatar answered Oct 10 '22 21:10
