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get length of items ngFor async / Observable<Aviso[]>;




How can I get the total number of items using ngFor?

*ngFor="let aviso of avisosTest | async; let i = index"

I'm working with Firestore from Firebase with an Observable:

avisosTest: Observable<Aviso[]>;

I tried this but it did not work

{{ avisosTest.length }}

{{ avisosTest?.length }}
like image 270
Paco Zevallos Avatar asked Oct 17 '22 18:10

Paco Zevallos

2 Answers

in Angular 4 you can do this:

*ngFor="let aviso of avisosTest | async as aviso; let i = index"

And then you can call {{ avisosTest.length }} inside that tag.


  <li *ngFor="let aviso of avisosTest | async as aviso; let i = index">
    {{aviso}} - {{i + 1}} of {{aviso.length}}

Working Demo - wait 2 seconds for data load

If you need it outside of the loop, you can separate async and ngFor, like:

<div *ngIf="avisosTest | async as aviso">
    <li *ngFor="let aviso of aviso; let i = index">
    {{aviso.length}} items total

Working Demo - wait 2 seconds for data load

like image 92
Meligy Avatar answered Oct 21 '22 01:10


I think you need

<div *ngIf="(avisosTest | async)?.length==0">No records found.</div>


<div *ngIf="(avisosTest | async)?.length>0">{{avisosTest.legnth}}</div>
like image 31
Sajeetharan Avatar answered Oct 21 '22 02:10
