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Get latest dates from an array per object group in Powershell

I have an array $data :

PS> $data
Datum                  User                   Computer                                      
-----                  ---------              --------                                      
10/06/2013 13:10:56    geb1@TESTDOMAIN.COM    DC1$                                          
10/06/2013 13:09:25    geb2@TESTDOMAIN.COM    DC2$                                          
10/06/2013 10:05:13    geb2@TESTDOMAIN.COM    DC2$                                          
7/06/2013 16:32:47     geb1@TESTDOMAIN.COM    DC1$    

I want to get the latest dates from the $data array for each computer like this:

PS> $result
Datum                  User                   Computer                                      
-----                  ---------              --------                                      
10/06/2013 13:10:56    geb1@TESTDOMAIN.COM    DC1$                                          
10/06/2013 13:09:25    geb2@TESTDOMAIN.COM    DC2$                                          

I really couldn't get this result. Could you please help me on this?

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Korki Korkig Avatar asked Jun 10 '13 13:06

Korki Korkig

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1 Answers

$data | Foreach-Object {$_.Datum = [DateTime]$_.Datum; $_} | 
Group-Object Computer | 
Foreach-Object {$_.Group | Sort-Object Datum | Select-Object -Last 1}
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Shay Levy Avatar answered Oct 23 '22 08:10

Shay Levy