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Get jQuery validator object from within the submitHandler function

I am attempting to call the jQuery validation showErrors function from within the submitHandler function without having to saving the validator object like so:

var validator = $( "#myshowErrors" ).validate();
    "firstname": "I know that your firstname is Pete, Pete!"

Is there a way to get the get the validator object from within the submitHandler method somewhat like this:

$( "#myshowErrors" ).validate({
  submitHandler : function(form) {

      success : function(result) {

        var validator = // Get validator here somehow?



By doing it this way, my hope is that I can use the same submitHandler method in multiple places throughout my project.

like image 607
Vincent Catalano Avatar asked Sep 04 '13 19:09

Vincent Catalano

1 Answers

Validator object is stored in form element data:

var validator = $.data( form, "validator");


In fact validator should be also stored in this:

$( "#myshowErrors" ).validate({
  submitHandler : function(form) {
    var validator = this;

      success : function(result) {

like image 183
Krzysiek Avatar answered Oct 10 '22 21:10
