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Get first image from google [closed]

I want to display the first image on google search in my website against a keyword. I would really like some pointers in this direction.

Thank you!

like image 565
darthsidious Avatar asked May 06 '14 04:05


People also ask

How can I find where a picture was first?

The Answer One of the easiest ways to do this is using 'reverse image search'. Google has a service in place for this. Go to their image search page at http://images.google.com/ and click on the camera button. Upload the image and see the search results for your image.

1 Answers

See following links:

Google’s Custom Search API now supports image-only results

Google Image Search API

like image 186
Pratik Butani Avatar answered Nov 03 '22 04:11

Pratik Butani