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Obtaining the name of the current function being executed in Node.js

In Node.js, I'm trying to obtain the name of current function being executed:

function doSomething(req, res) {
  console.log('Function name: ' + doSomething.name);

This works well, but I'd like (if possible) to obtain the name within the current context. This way, if I renamed the method later I don't have change it manually. Is there a generic object (i.e. similar to 'this') that points to the current function being executed/current context? Thank you.

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titusmagnus Avatar asked Aug 09 '13 18:08


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2 Answers

Short answer: Object.values(this)[0].name or arguments.callee.name

Long Answer for the 1st option:

let myInstanceArray = Object.values(this) Enumerates the object properties as an array

let myInstance = myInstanceArray[0] Gets the first, and only, item in the array

let myName = myInstance.name Gets the name of the item.

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Cleber Machado Avatar answered Sep 18 '22 05:09

Cleber Machado

I don't want to repeat the answers in the "possible duplicate" suggestions from Ian, but there is a solution that might be worth mentioning in addition to them:

You could use a named function expression, to have one name, that is accessible from outside of the function and one name that is accessible from inside:

var x = function y() {


Now, if you decide to give your function a different name, you can just change x while still be able to refer to the function by using y.

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basilikum Avatar answered Sep 20 '22 05:09
