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Get error response from ngrx@effects to component

I need to set server error validation for every input field in form. Problem is, I use ngrx@store and in effect I have

 @Effect({ dispatch: false })
  error$ = this.actions$.pipe(
      (error: actions.Error) => {
        new actions.Error(error);

With this code, I store errors to store.

Now I need to get these errors in my component, where I want to check for which input field I get an error, and set error to HTML next to the selected field.

    this.errorsMsgs$ = this.store.select(fromStore.UserSelectors.getErrors);
    this.errorsMsgs$.pipe(takeUntil(this.destroy$)).subscribe((error: any) => {
      for (let err of error) {
        if (err.field === "username") {
          this.usernameError = err.defaultMessage;
        if (err.field === "lastName") {
          this.lastNameError = err.defaultMessage;
        if (err.field === "firstName") {
          this.firstNameError = err.defaultMessage;
        if (err.field === "email") {
          this.emailError = err.defaultMessage;
        if (err.field === "phone") {
          this.phoneError = err.defaultMessage;
        if (err.field === "enabled") {
          this.enabledError = err.defaultMessage;

The problem is if I put this code in ngOnInit, I get an error in the console because the errors doesn't exist yet.

ERROR TypeError: error is not iterable

Function for CRUD is in ngrx@effect and there is success end error... How to know In component when the submit method have an error response and when I need to call this method in component for errors?

Is there any way to call this method in component from effects?

Here is error response:

  "timestamp": "2020-01-14T11:37:51.533+0000",
  "status": 400,
  "error": "Bad Request",
  "errors": [{...}
  "message": "Validation failed for object='user'. Error count: 6",
  "path": "/user/add/"
like image 968
Arter Avatar asked Jan 14 '20 11:01


1 Answers

You can simply subscribe to the actions observable chanel, and just filter it the excepted action whit the ofType() operator function in the component. Ex: ngOnInit(){ this.actions$.pipe(ofType(action)).subscribe(action => console.log(action.payload)); }. You need inject the actions$ observable in the constructor, from import { Actions} from '@ngrx/effects';. Or if you want to save this result in the store, just use reducer, and after this select the excepted values from store.

like image 130
Anarno Avatar answered Oct 23 '22 21:10
