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Get dropdown value using Express in node.js from html page

I am developing a quick node.js app using express and I am a newbie to NODE. For pages I am just using plain html.

Basically I have a form as follows:

 <form id="tableForm" action="getJson">
        <select class="selectpicker" data-style="btn-info" name="selectpicker">
            <optgroup label="Select Table">
              <option name="" value="0">Select table</option>
              <option name="table1" value="1">Table 1</option>
              <option name="table2" value="2">Table 2</option>
              <option name="table3" value="3">Table 3</option>

Basically, I need to get the value selected once done I need it to be passed a app.get() call but my questions is how do I get the value and call the API?

var express = require('express'),
app = express();

 // as only one page can use res.sendfile to render the page which will 
 // contain the dropdowns ...
 app.get('/', function(req, res){

app.get('/getJson', function (req, res) {


So I need to call the getJson() with the value being passed in.


like image 527
tjhack Avatar asked Sep 02 '13 22:09


People also ask

What is Express () in node JS?

Express is a node js web application framework that provides broad features for building web and mobile applications. It is used to build a single page, multipage, and hybrid web application. It's a layer built on the top of the Node js that helps manage servers and routes.

1 Answers

You need to submit the form somehow. The easiest way to do it would be with a submit button. You also need to put the method for the form, which by the way you phrased it it sounds like you're wanting to use GET.


<form id="tableForm" action="/getJson" method="get">
    <select class="selectpicker" data-style="btn-info" name="selectpicker">
        <optgroup label="Select Table">
            <option name="" value="0">Select table</option>
            <option name="table1" value="1">Table 1</option>
            <option name="table2" value="2">Table 2</option>
            <option name="table3" value="3">Table 3</option>
    <input type="submit" />

On the server side you need parse out the get request. You already have it set up to receive it, you just need to know what you're looking for. Since your select has the name "selectpicker" that's what you'll use in this case.


var express = require('express'),
    app = express();


// as only one page can use res.sendfile to render the page which will contain the drop   downs
app.get('/', function (req, res) {

app.get('/getJson', function (req, res) {
    // If it's not showing up, just use req.body to see what is actually being passed.


I haven't fully tested this code, but it should work.

like image 99
Andrew Lively Avatar answered Oct 23 '22 07:10

Andrew Lively