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Get digested asset_path in model or controller

I have an Article model, which has a field svg_path.

I use fabricjs to draw a canvas that can contain multiple articles and is modifiable.

What I do currently is generating a json that contains all needed fields of the articles, including the svg_path.

When I try to use the asset_path helper (http://api.rubyonrails.org/classes/ActionView/Helpers/AssetUrlHelper.html#method-i-asset_path) in either my Article model or controller it will always just return the path without the digest, which works in development environment but not in production. There I include the helper like this:

include ActionView::Helpers::AssetUrlHelper


If I call this helper in the view it will generate the correct path including the digest hash.

How can I get the correct path in my json objects?

like image 569
IngoAlbers Avatar asked Nov 02 '15 09:11


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asset_path(source, options = {}) public. This is the entry point for all assets. When using the asset pipeline (i.e. sprockets and sprockets-rails), the behavior is “enhanced”. You can bypass the asset pipeline by passing in skip_pipeline: true to the options. All other asset *_path helpers delegate through this method ...

1 Answers

The solution was to call the helper like this:


Before that I had included the helper as in my question, which didn't result in the expected result.

like image 141
IngoAlbers Avatar answered Oct 10 '22 15:10
