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Get dates Queries with arel and gt lt between methods in rails

I want to get dates greater than one specific date,or smaller than that or even dates between two given dates with arel.this is my controller:

@from_time = search[:value][:from_time]
@to_time = search[:value][:to_time]
letters_query = letters[@key].between(@from_time..@to_time)
@letters = Letter.joins(:official).where(letters_query)

and this is the json I pass into my controller

 Parameters: {"query"=>{"search"=>{"0"=>{"key"=>"letter_date", "value"=>{"from_time"=>"01/09/1395", "to_time"=>"30/09/1395"}, "type"=>"date"}}}}

I'm sure about getting the parameters, to be noted my dates are solar kind! it returns this error:

 If you are passing user input to a predicate, you must either give an appropriate type caster object to the `Arel::Table`, or manually cast the value before passing it to Arel.
    DEPRECATION WARNING: Passing a column to `quote` has been deprecated. It is only used for type casting, which should be handled elsewhere. See https://github.com/rails/arel/commit/6160bfbda1d1781c3b08a33ec4955f170e95be11 for more information. (called from p at /home/afsane/Desktop/Afsane Development/Production/isecretariat/app/controllers/searches_controller.rb:511)
    DEPRECATION WARNING: table_exists? is deprecated and will be removed from Rails 5.1 (use #data_source_exists? instead) (called from p at /home/afsane/Desktop/Afsane Development/Production/isecretariat/app/controllers/searches_controller.rb:511)
    Arel performing automatic type casting is deprecated, and will be removed in Arel 8.0. If you are seeing this, it is because you are manually passing a value to an Arel predicate, and the `Arel::Table` object was constructed manually. The easiest way to remove this warning is to use an `Arel::Table` object returned from calling `arel_table` on an ActiveRecord::Base subclass.

    If you're certain the value is already of the right type, change `attribute.eq(value)` to `attribute.eq(Arel::Nodes::Quoted.new(value))` (you will be able to remove that in Arel 8.0, it is only required to silence this deprecation warning).

    You can also silence this warning globally by setting `$arel_silence_type_casting_deprecation` to `true`. (Do NOT do this if you are a library author)

    If you are passing user input to a predicate, you must either give an appropriate type caster object to the `Arel::Table`, or manually cast the value before passing it to Arel.

for greated and smaller I used this:

letters_query = officials[@key].lt(@to_time)
letters_query = officials[@key].gt(@from_time)

I tested this alot and all the problem is with this line:

@letters = Letter.joins(:official).where(letters_query)

any ideas?

like image 557
Afsanefda Avatar asked Nov 25 '16 06:11


Video Answer

2 Answers

With arel, this is how to generate a suitable query for the dates:

letters = Letter.arel_table
@letter = Letter.where(letters[:date].between(Date.new(2016,08,24)..Date.new(2016,09,24))
like image 193
Afsanefda Avatar answered Oct 24 '22 04:10


I think you can use parsi-date here as the years in the gem and your question seem similar to me. You will need to parse your query params accordingly. You will do to_gregorian if the date stored in your db is in christian calendar format.

@from_time = Parsi::Date.parse(search[:value][:from_time]).to_gregorian
@to_time = Parsi::Date.parse(search[:value][:to_time]).to_gregorian
like image 38
Jagdeep Singh Avatar answered Oct 24 '22 02:10

Jagdeep Singh