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Get column name which contains a specific value at any rows in python pandas

I want to get column name from the whole database (assume the database contains more than 100 rows with more than 50 column) based on specific value that contain in a specific column in pandas.

with the help of Bkmm3 (member from india) I've succeeded on numerical term but failed on alphabetic term. the way I've tried is this:

df = pd.DataFrame({'A':['APPLE','BALL','CAT'],
response = input("input")
for i in df.columns: if(len(df.query(i + '==' + str(response))) > 0):

then output arise as error:

Traceback (most recent call last): NameError: name 'APPLE' is not defined

Any Help from You Guys will be very Appreciated, Thank You . . .

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wh112 Avatar asked Jun 19 '18 08:06


2 Answers

isin/eq works for DataFrames, and you can 100% vectorize this:

df.columns[df.isin(['APPLE']).any()]  # df.isin([response])



Index(['A'], dtype='object')

And here's the roundabout way with DataFrame.eval and np.logical_or (were you to loop on columns):

        [df.eval(f"{repr(response)} in {i}") for i in df]
Index(['A'], dtype='object')
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cs95 Avatar answered Sep 27 '22 15:09


First, the reason for your error. With pd.DataFrame.query, as with regular comparisons, you need to surround strings with quotation marks. So this would work (notice the pair of " quotations):

response = input("input")

for i in df.columns:
    if not df.query(i + '=="' + str(response) + '"').empty:


Next, you can extract index and/or columns via pd.DataFrame.any. coldspeed's solution is fine here, I'm just going to show how similar syntax can be used to extract both row and column labels.

# columns
print(df.columns[(df == response).any(1)])
Index(['A'], dtype='object')

# rows
print(df.index[(df == response).any(0)])
Int64Index([0], dtype='int64')

Notice in both cases you get as your result Index objects. The code differs only in the property being extracted and in the axis parameter of pd.DataFrame.any.

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jpp Avatar answered Sep 27 '22 16:09
