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Search and replace dots and commas in pandas dataframe

This is my DataFrame:

d = {'col1': ['sku 1.1', 'sku 1.2', 'sku 1.3'], 'col2': ['9.876.543,21', 654, '321,01']}
df = pd.DataFrame(data=d)

       col1           col2
0   sku 1.1   9.876.543,21
1   sku 1.2            654
2   sku 1.3         321,01

Data in col2 are numbers in local format, which I would like to convert into:


I tried df['col2'] = pd.to_numeric(df['col2'], downcast='float'), which returns a ValueError: : Unable to parse string "9.876.543,21" at position 0.

I tried also df = df.apply(lambda x: x.str.replace(',', '.')), which returns ValueError: could not convert string to float: '5.023.654.46'

like image 677
andrej Avatar asked Mar 03 '18 19:03


Video Answer

1 Answers

The best is use if possible parameters in read_csv:

df = pd.read_csv(file, thousands='.', decimal=',')

If not possible, then replace should help:

df['col2'] = (df['col2'].replace('\.','', regex=True)
                        .replace(',','.', regex=True)
like image 154
jezrael Avatar answered Oct 21 '22 18:10
