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get all the dates between two dates in Spark DataFrame

I have a DF in which I have bookingDt and arrivalDt columns. I need to find all the dates between these two dates.

Sample code:

df = spark.sparkContext.parallelize(
            [Row(vyge_id=1000, bookingDt='2018-01-01', arrivalDt='2018-01-05')]).toDF()
diffDaysDF = df.withColumn("diffDays", datediff('arrivalDt', 'bookingDt'))

code output:

| arrivalDt| bookingDt|vyge_id|diffDays|
|2018-01-05|2018-01-01|   1000|       4|

What I tried was finding the number of days between two dates and calculate all the dates using timedelta function and explode it.

dateList = [str(bookingDt + timedelta(i)) for i in range(diffDays)]

Expected output:

Basically, I need to build a DF with a record for each date in between bookingDt and arrivalDt, inclusive.

| arrivalDt| bookingDt|vyge_id|txnDt     |
|2018-01-05|2018-01-01|   1000|2018-01-01|
|2018-01-05|2018-01-01|   1000|2018-01-02|
|2018-01-05|2018-01-01|   1000|2018-01-03|
|2018-01-05|2018-01-01|   1000|2018-01-04|
|2018-01-05|2018-01-01|   1000|2018-01-05|
like image 269
Shankar Avatar asked Aug 08 '18 10:08


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1 Answers

For Spark 2.4+ sequence can be used to create an array containg all dates between bookingDt and arrivalDt. This array can then be exploded.

from pyspark.sql import functions as F

df = df \
  .withColumn('bookingDt', F.col('bookingDt').cast('date')) \
  .withColumn('arrivalDt', F.col('arrivalDt').cast('date'))

df.withColumn('txnDt', F.explode(F.expr('sequence(bookingDt, arrivalDt, interval 1 day)')))\


|vyge_id| bookingDt| arrivalDt|     txnDt|
|   1000|2018-01-01|2018-01-05|2018-01-01|
|   1000|2018-01-01|2018-01-05|2018-01-02|
|   1000|2018-01-01|2018-01-05|2018-01-03|
|   1000|2018-01-01|2018-01-05|2018-01-04|
|   1000|2018-01-01|2018-01-05|2018-01-05|
like image 158
werner Avatar answered Sep 29 '22 18:09
