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Spark: Merge 2 dataframes by adding row index/number on both dataframes

Q: Is there is any way to merge two dataframes or copy a column of a dataframe to another in PySpark?

For example, I have two Dataframes:

C1                    C2                                                        
23397414             20875.7353   
5213970              20497.5582   
41323308             20935.7956   
123276113            18884.0477   
76456078             18389.9269 

the seconde dataframe

C3                       C4
2008-02-04               262.00                 
2008-02-05               257.25                 
2008-02-06               262.75                 
2008-02-07               237.00                 
2008-02-08               231.00 

Then i want to add C3 of DF2 to DF1 like this:

New DF              
    C1                    C2          C3                                              
    23397414             20875.7353   2008-02-04
    5213970              20497.5582   2008-02-05
    41323308             20935.7956   2008-02-06
    123276113            18884.0477   2008-02-07
    76456078             18389.9269   2008-02-08

I hope this example was clear.

like image 771
MrGildarts Avatar asked Nov 09 '16 13:11


People also ask

How do I merge two data frames in Pyspark?

To union, we use pyspark module: Dataframe union() – union() method of the DataFrame is employed to mix two DataFrame's of an equivalent structure/schema. If schemas aren't equivalent it returns a mistake. DataFrame unionAll() – unionAll() is deprecated since Spark “2.0.

How do I join multiple Dataframes in Spark?

In order to explain join with multiple tables, we will use Inner join, this is the default join in Spark and it's mostly used, this joins two DataFrames/Datasets on key columns, and where keys don't match the rows get dropped from both datasets.

1 Answers

rownum + window function i.e solution 1 or zipWithIndex.map i.e solution 2 should help in this case.

Solution 1 : You can use window functions to get this kind of

Then I would suggest you to add rownumber as additional column name to Dataframe say df1.

    C1                    C2                 columnindex                                             
    23397414             20875.7353            1
    5213970              20497.5582            2
    41323308             20935.7956            3
    123276113            18884.0477            4
    76456078             18389.9269            5

the second dataframe

C3                       C4             columnindex
2008-02-04               262.00            1        
2008-02-05               257.25            2      
2008-02-06               262.75            3      
2008-02-07               237.00            4          
2008-02-08               231.00            5

Now .. do inner join of df1 and df2 that's all... you will get below ouput

something like this

from pyspark.sql.window import Window
from pyspark.sql.functions import rowNumber

w = Window().orderBy()

df1 = ....  // as showed above df1

df2 = ....  // as shown above df2

df11 =  df1.withColumn("columnindex", rowNumber().over(w))
  df22 =  df2.withColumn("columnindex", rowNumber().over(w))

newDF = df11.join(df22, df11.columnindex == df22.columnindex, 'inner').drop(df22.columnindex)

New DF              
    C1                    C2          C3                                              
    23397414             20875.7353   2008-02-04
    5213970              20497.5582   2008-02-05
    41323308             20935.7956   2008-02-06
    123276113            18884.0477   2008-02-07
    76456078             18389.9269   2008-02-08

Solution 2 : Another good way(probably this is best :)) in scala, which you can translate to pyspark :

* Add Column Index to dataframe 
def addColumnIndex(df: DataFrame) = sqlContext.createDataFrame(
  // Add Column index
  df.rdd.zipWithIndex.map{case (row, columnindex) => Row.fromSeq(row.toSeq :+ columnindex)},
  // Create schema
  StructType(df.schema.fields :+ StructField("columnindex", LongType, false))

// Add index now...
val df1WithIndex = addColumnIndex(df1)
val df2WithIndex = addColumnIndex(df2)

 // Now time to join ...
val newone = df1WithIndex
  .join(df2WithIndex , Seq("columnindex"))
like image 125
Ram Ghadiyaram Avatar answered Sep 21 '22 05:09

Ram Ghadiyaram