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Get all Map keys



Is there a way in elixir to get all of the map keys similar to array_keys in PHP? I have been searching but cannot seem to find a way.

Or is there another way to get unique values? I am assigning names to keys in the map with a value of 1 to get only distinct values. Then I would like to get the keys to only retrieve the unique values.

I am using this code to create my map:

names = Enum.reduce lines, %{}, fn line, acc ->
  Map.put(acc, line.name, 1)

For example, I have two lines with line.name as test. I would want the end result to return just test. Or if they are different return them separately, then use something like enum.join to combine them

Enum.join(names, " - ")
like image 536
Michael St Clair Avatar asked Apr 03 '17 22:04

Michael St Clair

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The sample code below demonstrate how to get keys in map, whether its a hashmap or any implementation of Map. The method in Map that will get keys is: keySet(); This method will return a Set of object T where T is the type of object you have define to be the Keys when you initiliaze the Map.

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Thus, in most cases, you'll want to get the key-value pair together. The entrySet () method returns a set of Map.Entry<K, V> objects that reside in the map. You can easily iterate over this set to get the keys and their associated values from a map.

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We can write custom logic for retrieving all keys from the map. The idea is to iterate over the map using a range-based for loop or iterator-based for-loop and insert each key into a container. Starting with C++17, we can use the range-based for-loop with structured bindings: 2. Using BOOST_FOREACH

1 Answers

You can use Map.keys/1:

map = %{a: 1, b: 2}
#=> [:a, :b]
like image 179
Sheharyar Avatar answered Sep 21 '22 15:09
