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Get a unique ID for worker in python multiprocessing pool

Is there a way to assign each worker in a python multiprocessing pool a unique ID in a way that a job being run by a particular worker in the pool could know which worker is running it? According to the docs, a Process has a name but

The name is a string used for identification purposes only. It has no semantics. Multiple processes may be given the same name.

For my particular use-case, I want to run a bunch of jobs on a group of four GPUs, and need to set the device number for the GPU that the job should run on. Because the jobs are of non-uniform length, I want to be sure that I don't have a collision on a GPU of a job trying to run on it before the previous one completes (so this precludes pre-assigning an ID to the unit of work ahead of time).

like image 579
JoshAdel Avatar asked Apr 17 '12 12:04


People also ask

Which property of the process instance returned by multithreading Current_process () gives the process ID?

current_process() function. Once we have the process instance, we get the pid via the multiprocessing. Process. pid attribute.

What is multiprocessing dummy?

dummy module module provides a wrapper for the multiprocessing module, except implemented using thread-based concurrency. It provides a drop-in replacement for multiprocessing, allowing a program that uses the multiprocessing API to switch to threads with a single change to import statements.

How do you get multiprocessing in Python?

In this example, at first we import the Process class then initiate Process object with the display() function. Then process is started with start() method and then complete the process with the join() method. We can also pass arguments to the function using args keyword.

Is multiprocessing faster in Python?

So, multiprocessing is faster when the program is CPU-bound. In cases where there is a lot of I/O in your program, threading may be more efficient because most of the time, your program is waiting for the I/O to complete. However, multiprocessing is generally more efficient because it runs concurrently.

2 Answers

It seems like what you want is simple: multiprocessing.current_process(). For example:

import multiprocessing  def f(x):     print multiprocessing.current_process()     return x * x  p = multiprocessing.Pool() print p.map(f, range(6)) 


$ python foo.py  <Process(PoolWorker-1, started daemon)> <Process(PoolWorker-2, started daemon)> <Process(PoolWorker-3, started daemon)> <Process(PoolWorker-1, started daemon)> <Process(PoolWorker-2, started daemon)> <Process(PoolWorker-4, started daemon)> [0, 1, 4, 9, 16, 25] 

This returns the process object itself, so the process can be its own identity. You could also call id on it for a unique numerical id -- in cpython, this is the memory address of the process object, so I don't think there's any possibility of overlap. Finally, you can use the ident or the pid property of the process -- but that's only set once the process is started.

Furthermore, looking over the source, it seems to me very likely that autogenerated names (as exemplified by the first value in the Process repr strings above) are unique. multiprocessing maintains an itertools.counter object for every process, which is used to generate an _identity tuple for any child processes it spawns. So the top-level process produces child process with single-value ids, and they spawn process with two-value ids, and so on. Then, if no name is passed to the Process constructor, it simply autogenerates the name based on the _identity, using ':'.join(...). Then Pool alters the name of the process using replace, leaving the autogenerated id the same.

The upshot of all this is that although two Processes may have the same name, because you may assign the same name to them when you create them, they are unique if you don't touch the name parameter. Also, you could theoretically use _identity as a unique identifier; but I gather they made that variable private for a reason!

An example of the above in action:

import multiprocessing  def f(x):     created = multiprocessing.Process()     current = multiprocessing.current_process()     print 'running:', current.name, current._identity     print 'created:', created.name, created._identity     return x * x  p = multiprocessing.Pool() print p.map(f, range(6)) 


$ python foo.py  running: PoolWorker-1 (1,) created: Process-1:1 (1, 1) running: PoolWorker-2 (2,) created: Process-2:1 (2, 1) running: PoolWorker-3 (3,) created: Process-3:1 (3, 1) running: PoolWorker-1 (1,) created: Process-1:2 (1, 2) running: PoolWorker-2 (2,) created: Process-2:2 (2, 2) running: PoolWorker-4 (4,) created: Process-4:1 (4, 1) [0, 1, 4, 9, 16, 25] 
like image 60
senderle Avatar answered Sep 17 '22 06:09


You can use multiprocessing.Queue to store the ids and then get the id at initialization of the pool process.


  • You do not need to rely on internals.
  • If your use case is to manage resources/ devices then you can put in the device number directly. This will also ensure that no device is used twice: If you have more processes in your pool than devices, the additional processes will block on queue.get() and will not perform any work (This won't block your porgram, or at least it did not when I tested).


  • You have additional communication overhead and spawning the pool processes takes a tiny bit longer: Without the sleep(1) in the example all work might be performed by the first process, as others are not done initializing, yet.
  • You need a global (or at least I don't know a way around it)


import multiprocessing from time import sleep  def init(queue):     global idx     idx = queue.get()  def f(x):     global idx     process = multiprocessing.current_process()     sleep(1)     return (idx, process.pid, x * x)  ids = [0, 1, 2, 3] manager = multiprocessing.Manager() idQueue = manager.Queue()  for i in ids:     idQueue.put(i)  p = multiprocessing.Pool(8, init, (idQueue,)) print(p.map(f, range(8))) 


[(0, 8289, 0), (1, 8290, 1), (2, 8294, 4), (3, 8291, 9), (0, 8289, 16), (1, 8290, 25), (2, 8294, 36), (3, 8291, 49)] 

Note, that there are only 4 different pid, although the pool contains 8 processes and one idx is only used by one process.

like image 35
Steohan Avatar answered Sep 17 '22 06:09
