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Get a list of places/streets etc from OpenStreetMap?

Given a latitude/longitude combination as well as a radius from that point (in km, if it makes a difference), does anybody know of a service/API (or even download) that I can use to obtain a list of all the places, streets etc. from within the circle originating from the latitude/longitude supplied? When I say all the places, I am interested in everything - from bodies of water to schools.

Many thanks for any assistance, it's greatly appreciated. :)

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Bob_94 Avatar asked Aug 22 '11 13:08


1 Answers

There's OSMAXPI, a web service protocol which enables some of the things you're looking for. There are several problems in your case:

  1. There's a way to query OSM data based on a bounding box (so not a circular area defined by a radius).
  2. There is a limit of how large the area is and how much data you can fetch with a single query.

The alternative is to download Planet OSM file and set up your own database and API serving, but this requires a lot of HW resources, since the database is quite large and growing daily.

Also take a look at some other related QA:

  • https://gis.stackexchange.com/questions/13555/looking-for-a-world-database-with-locations-of-medical-centers-schools-kinderga/13560#13560
  • https://gis.stackexchange.com/questions/6933/downloading-openstreetmap-data
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Igor Brejc Avatar answered Nov 20 '22 02:11

Igor Brejc