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Self hosting GraphHopper Directions API

We are looking for an offline routing and reverse geocoding service.

GraphHopper advertises that its Directions API can be self-hosted:

GraphHopper Directions API Self-Hosting / On-Premises

The Directions API comes as a cloud service where you pay on-demand. The API is also available as on-premises solution (self-hosted), which gives you maximum performance, customization possibilities, independence; all in your hands!

After installing GraphHopper on my local instance as per these instructions, I am able to perform routing queries successfully through the localhost HTTP API.

How do I get reverse geocoding working? I cannot find any documentation on this and the code on GitHub doesn't seem to hint towards anything.

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Dave New Avatar asked Nov 13 '15 07:11

Dave New

2 Answers

The GraphHopper Directions API is a different product than the open source GraphHopper routing engine. The GraphHopper Directions API currently consists of

  • the Routing API (based on the GraphHopper routing engine),
  • the Matrix API,
  • the Geocoding API and
  • the Route Optimization API.

Currently they are no longer available for self-hosting. Note: I'm one of the authors.

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Karussell Avatar answered Nov 05 '22 05:11


GraphHopper is a routing service, not a geocoder.

According to this issue the Geocoder is separate from GraphHopper and only available in the Directions API for business.

If you are looking for a free OSM-based geocoding service then take a look at search engines in the OSM wiki.

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scai Avatar answered Nov 05 '22 05:11
