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Get a color component from an rgb string in Javascript?

People also ask

How do I find the color code from RGB values?

Click on the color selector icon (the eyedropper), and then click on the color of in- terest to select it, then click on 'edit color'. 3. The RGB values for that color will appear in a dialogue box.

How do you find the RGB value of a string?

Use match() method to select the value of Red, Green, and Blue. The value of RGB is stored in the form of array. The hexCode() function call to convert the value of RGB to hexCode. The slice() method gets the part of a string and returns the extracted parts in a new string.

What is the RGB () color function?

The rgb() function define colors using the Red-green-blue (RGB) model. An RGB color value is specified with: rgb(red, green, blue). Each parameter defines the intensity of that color and can be an integer between 0 and 255 or a percentage value (from 0% to 100%).

NOTE - We're all on board with the regex ate my brains and kicked my dog attitude, but the regex version just seems the better method. My opinion. Check it out.

Non-regex method:

var rgb = 'rgb(200, 12, 53)';

rgb = rgb.substring(4, rgb.length-1)
         .replace(/ /g, '')




["200", "12", "53"]

Or... A really simple regex:

EDIT: Ooops, had an i in the regex for some reason.

var rgb = 'rgb(200, 12, 53)';

rgb = rgb.replace(/[^\d,]/g, '').split(',');



much simpler way ..

    var rgb = 'rgb(200, 12, 53)'.match(/\d+/g);

and here comes the output as

    ["200", "12", "53"]

" simple is always beautiful ! " :)

My version takes a HEX, RGB or RGBa string as an argument, uses no regEx, and returns an object with red, green, and blue (and alpha for RGBa) number-values.

var RGBvalues = (function() {

    var _hex2dec = function(v) {
        return parseInt(v, 16)

    var _splitHEX = function(hex) {
        var c;
        if (hex.length === 4) {
            c = (hex.replace('#','')).split('');
            return {
                r: _hex2dec((c[0] + c[0])),
                g: _hex2dec((c[1] + c[1])),
                b: _hex2dec((c[2] + c[2]))
        } else {
             return {
                r: _hex2dec(hex.slice(1,3)),
                g: _hex2dec(hex.slice(3,5)),
                b: _hex2dec(hex.slice(5))

    var _splitRGB = function(rgb) {
        var c = (rgb.slice(rgb.indexOf('(')+1, rgb.indexOf(')'))).split(',');
        var flag = false, obj;
        c = c.map(function(n,i) {
            return (i !== 3) ? parseInt(n, 10) : flag = true, parseFloat(n);
        obj = {
            r: c[0],
            g: c[1],
            b: c[2]
        if (flag) obj.a = c[3];
        return obj;

    var color = function(col) {
        var slc = col.slice(0,1);
        if (slc === '#') {
            return _splitHEX(col);
        } else if (slc.toLowerCase() === 'r') {
            return _splitRGB(col);
        } else {
            console.log('!Ooops! RGBvalues.color('+col+') : HEX, RGB, or RGBa strings only');

    return {
        color: color

console.debug(RGBvalues.color('rgb(52, 86, 120)'));
  //-> { r: 52, g: 86, b: 120 }
  //-> { r: 52, g: 86, b: 120 }
console.debug(RGBvalues.color('rgba(52, 86, 120, 0.67)'));
  //-> { r: 52, g: 86, b: 120, a: 0.67 }
  //-> { r: 51, g: 85, b: 119 }

Might be useful to someone. :)

How about using a color library like the xolor library:

xolor("rgb(200,100,40)").r // returns the red part