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Gerrit filter for items I need to review



I'm trying to create a search query which will tell me open changes which I am added to as a reviewer, but which I haven't submitted a code review for the latest patchset. This should include changes which other people have given a review for, but I have not.

The closest I could find was is:reviewer AND -is:reviewed AND status:open, but this doesn't include changes which other people have reviewed but I have not.

like image 765
Tom Kelly Avatar asked Feb 06 '14 14:02

Tom Kelly

2 Answers

A late reply, but for anyone looking for an answer to this you can filter out uploads where you have given a review score by appending below to your query.

is:reviewer AND is:open AND NOT label:Code-Review>=-2,userid

Where userid is replaced with your user id (usually an e-mail address).

It looks strange, but it does the trick. See the documentation for labels for more details https://review.openstack.org/Documentation/user-search.html#labels

like image 172
Martin Wallgren Avatar answered Nov 05 '22 12:11

Martin Wallgren

is:reviewer AND status:open AND -label:Code-Review=+2

You can also change the =+2 to >=1.

like image 24
NTj Avatar answered Nov 05 '22 10:11