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Genymotion stuck on splash screen



My peer's laptop turned off due to power failure while genymotion was running. Unfortunately, after restarting the Xubuntu 14.04 machine, genymotion stopped working. It always get stuck on the startup splash screen. I tried reinstalling genymotion and virtualbox several times, all in vain. Seems to be the problem with user authentication.

This is the log file:-

Feb 22 19:37:20 [Genymotion] [Debug] Proxy configuration: no proxy used
Feb 22 19:37:20 [Genymotion] [Warning] QSslSocket: cannot resolve SSLv2_client_method
Feb 22 19:37:20 [Genymotion] [Warning] QSslSocket: cannot resolve SSLv2_server_method
Feb 22 19:37:21 [Genymotion] [Warning] ****  STARTING GENYMOTION  ****
Feb 22 19:37:21 [Genymotion] [Warning] Genymotion Version: Genymotion 2.6.0
Feb 22 19:37:21 [Genymotion] [Debug] [LaunchpadApp] Started with ("./genymotion")
Feb 22 19:37:21 [Genymotion] [Debug] [doRequest] Requesting:  "https://cloud.genymotion.com/launchpad/last_version/linux/x86/"
Feb 22 19:37:21 [Genymotion] [Debug] Getting currently authenticated user from  local cache
Feb 22 19:37:24 [Genymotion] [Debug] [HttpRequest::exec] Request timeout (code: 0 ) : "/launchpad/last_version/linux/x86/"
Feb 22 19:37:24 [Genymotion] [Error] Network error while retrieving JSON content:  0
Feb 22 19:37:24 [Genymotion] [Error] [getGenymotionLastVersion] Bad request: "/launchpad/last_version/linux/x86/"
Feb 22 19:37:24 [Genymotion] [Error] Unable to get last Genymotion version number from server:  0
Feb 22 19:37:25 [Genymotion] [Warning] QIODevice::read: device not open
Feb 22 19:37:25 [Genymotion] [Debug] [doRequest] HTTP Status: 0
Feb 22 19:37:25 [Genymotion] [Debug] [doRequest] HTTP Content: ""
Feb 22 19:37:25 [Genymotion] [Debug] [doRequest] Reply error: "Operation canceled" ( 5 )
Feb 22 19:37:25 [Genymotion] [Debug] [doRequest] last error msg: "Invalid reply from server"
Feb 22 19:37:25 [Genymotion] [Debug] [login] Trying to authenticate  "kaveri kumar"
Feb 22 19:37:25 [Genymotion] [Debug] Trying to logout user
Feb 22 19:37:25 [Genymotion] [Debug] [doRequest] Requesting:  "https://cloud.genymotion.com/launchpad/login/"
Feb 22 19:37:26 [Genymotion] [Debug] [doRequest] done
Feb 22 19:37:26 [Genymotion] [Debug] [login] Login process result: 1
Feb 22 19:37:26 [Genymotion] [Debug] [login] User authenticated: "kaveri kumar"

And there's nothing more to it other than this.

EDIT- "kaveri kumar" is her user name for her genymotion account. I fail to understand even though I entered Yes while prompted to delete log files, her user name is still saved somewhere in the system.

like image 836
Akash Agarwal Avatar asked Feb 22 '16 17:02

Akash Agarwal

2 Answers

I saw something similar... Resolved by using "Run as admin".


like image 192
eickel Avatar answered Oct 03 '22 20:10


In my case, I had an old VirtualBox version, it worked after installing latest and restarting my Windows 10 machine.

like image 44
Milox Avatar answered Oct 03 '22 19:10
