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Genymotion error :Unable to create the virtual device server returned HTTP status code 0

While trying to create a new virtual device in Genymotion the following error is shown:

Unable to create the virtual device 
Server returned HTTP status code 0

How do I resolve this?

like image 867
user3251646 Avatar asked Feb 19 '14 06:02


People also ask

Why is my Genymotion not working?

You are trying to run Genymotion Desktop in a virtual machine, a server or a Windows Cloud instance (AWS, GCP, Azure, ...) Genymotion Desktop has been designed to run in a physical environment. For this reason, Genymotion Desktop will not work if run in a virtual machine, a server nor a Cloud instance.

How do I disable a virtual device on Genymotion?

if you are connected to an android vm with the genymotion frontend, try to press the power-down button (right low corner) and keep pressing it until the shutdown menu appears. Save this answer.

1 Answers

Go to Settings in genymotion
in general tab give your user name and password
and in virtual box tab assign where genymotion is insatlled
in adb tab assign the sdk path

like image 181
user3265781 Avatar answered Oct 19 '22 00:10
