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Error message in Android Studio when trying to run and load emulator for the first time

The error message is:

PANIC: Could not open AVD config file: C:\Users\Darth\.android\avd\Nexus_5_API_21_x86.avd\config.ini

I've looked in that directory and there is no config.ini file. Only a userdata.img file.
When looking in the AVD manager the actions column says "Failed to load". If I right click it and click details it shows an error of:

 Error: Failed to parse properties from C:\Users\Username\.android\avd\Nexus_5_API_21_x87.avd\config.ini

Fixes attempted that didn't work:

1 - Try choosing a different device definition. (config.ini file still missing when choosing multiple other devices)

2 - sharing the .android directory with my whole homegroup (selecting a device still doesn't generate a config.ini file, same error persists)

FIX: Thanks for all the replies. The fix that worked was changing the Memory of the AVD to 512!

like image 576
john stamos Avatar asked Dec 06 '14 08:12

john stamos

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If the Android Emulator does not start properly, this problem is often caused by problems with HAXM. HAXM issues are often the result of conflicts with other virtualization technologies, incorrect settings, or an out-of-date HAXM driver. Try reinstalling the HAXM driver, using the steps detailed in Installing HAXM.

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Run your app on the emulator After you have created an Android Virtual Device (AVD), you can start the Android Emulator and run an app in your project: In the toolbar, select the AVD that you want to run your app on from the target device drop-down menu. Click Run.

1 Answers

I also had this same error, but the cause wasn't mis-matched x64 vs x86. Turns out my emulator failed to load because the skin wasn't defined. The way that I fixed it was:

  1. Remove any previous wear emulators that failed
  2. Pick the Model (Round/Square) and Android version(Lollipop, for instance)
  3. On the final screen, click "Show Advanced Settings"
  4. Scroll all the way to the bottom and set the "Custom skin definition" to "AndroidWearSquare" or "AndroidWearRound", which should be at the bottom of the skins list

Then after you're finished it should all just work!

like image 158
Josh Larson Avatar answered Sep 28 '22 02:09

Josh Larson