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Generics: How to check the exact type of T, without object for T




How can i check/evaluate the exact type of T without an object for T. I know my question maybe confusing but consider this...

 public abstract class Business
        public abstract string GetBusinessName();

    public class Casino : Business  
        public override string GetBusinessName()
            return "Casino Corp";

    public class DrugStore : Business 
        public override string GetBusinessName()
            return "DrugStore business";

    public class BusinessManager<T> where T : Business
        private Casino _casino;
        private DrugStore _drugStore;

        public string ShowBusinessName()
            string businessName;
            if (T == Casino) // Error: How can I check the type?
                _casino = new Casino();
                businessName = _casino.GetBusinessName();
            else if (T == DrugStore) // Error: How can I check the type?
                _drugStore = new DrugStore();
                businessName = _drugStore.GetBusinessName();

            return businessName;


I just want to have something like this on the client.

    protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
        var businessManager = new BusinessManager<Casino>();

        businessManager = new BusinessManager<DrugStore>();

Notice that I actually didnt create the actual object for Casino and Drugstore when I call the BusinessManager, I just pass it as generic type constraint of the class. I just need to know exactly what Type i am passing BusinessManager to know what exactly the Type to instantiate. Thanks...

PS: I don't want to create separate specific BusinessManager for Casino and Drugstore..

You can also comment about the design.. thanks..

ADDITIONAL: and what if class Casino and DrugStore is an ABSTRACT CLASS =)

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CSharpNoob Avatar asked Oct 31 '10 17:10


1 Answers

You can write

if(typeof(T) == typeof(Casino))

but really this type of logic is a code smell.

Here's one way around this:

public class BusinessManager<T> where T : Business, new() {
    private readonly T business;
    public BusinessManager() {
        business = new T();

but personally I'd prefer

public class BusinessManager<T> where T : Business {
    private readonly T business;
    public BusinessManager(T business) {
        this.business = business;

    public string GetBusinessName() { 
        return this.business.GetBusinessName();
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jason Avatar answered Oct 25 '22 01:10
