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Generic Parent For Generic Class




I am using a fictional example for this. Say, I have a Widget class like:

abstract class Widget
Widget parent;

Now, my other classes would be derived from this Widget class, but suppose I want to put some constraint in the class while defining the derived types such that only a particular "type" of widget can be parent to a particular type of Widget.

For example, I have derived two more widgets from the Widget class, WidgetParent and WidgetChild. While defining the child class, I want to define the type of parent as WidgetParent, so that I dont have to type cast the parent every time I use it.

Precisely, what I would have liked to do is this:

// This does not works!
class Widget<PType>: where PType: Widget
    PType parent;

class WidgetParent<Widget>
    public void Slap();

class WidgetChild<WidgetParent>

So that when I want to access the parent of WidgetChild, instead of using it this way:

WidgetParent wp = wc.parent as WidgetParent;
if(wp != null)
else throw FakeParentException();

I want to use it this way(if I could use generics):

like image 661
nullDev Avatar asked Nov 04 '08 06:11


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1 Answers

You should be able to use the code you've got by still having the non-generic class Widget and making Widget<T> derive from it:

public abstract class Widget

public abstract class Widget<T> : Widget where T : Widget

You then need to work out what belongs in the generic class and what belongs in the non-generic... from experience, this can be a tricky balancing act. Expect to go back and forth a fair amount!

like image 73
Jon Skeet Avatar answered Sep 20 '22 06:09

Jon Skeet