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generating random enums




How do I randomly select a value for an enum type in C++? I would like to do something like this.

enum my_type(A,B,C,D,E,F,G,h,J,V);
my_type test(rand() % 10);

But this is illegal... there is not an implicit conversion from int to an enum type.

like image 355
null_radix Avatar asked Jun 08 '10 15:06


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2 Answers

How about:

enum my_type {
    a, b, c, d,

void f() {
    my_type test = static_cast<my_type>(rand() % last);
like image 114
zildjohn01 Avatar answered Sep 18 '22 08:09


There is no implicit conversion, but an explicit one will work:

my_type test = my_type(rand() % 10);
like image 26
Mike Seymour Avatar answered Sep 20 '22 08:09

Mike Seymour