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Generating JUnit reports from the command line

I have a test setup for a cloud system that uses a mixture of python for process level control and junit for internal state inspection. Essentially, I bring up several VMs to server as the cloud and then a junit VM which is a member of the cloud but drives tests and checks internal state. Our existing cloud management stuff is driven by python and I would like to maintain this.

I have a working setup that will run the JUnit command line via

java -ea -cp <classpath> org.junit.runner.JUnitCore <tests>

but this does not produce an report file. I know that ant is capable of producing an xml report, but I do not want to involve ant in this process (I have enough moving parts already).

Is there a way to launch junit from the command line such that it produces a report?

Ideally, I would have the junit tests produce xml reports, the python tests produce xml reports, and then merge them together for consumption by our CI system.

Update: The command line execution must support Windows, Linux, and Mac. We are not allowed to ship an external ant, although packaging an internal ant might be an option.

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Matt Avatar asked Sep 16 '12 08:09


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You don't need to pass command line parameters to your JUnit execution. Instead your test methods should build/prepare everything and call your new myClass(...) constructor with the parameters your original program would do when using command line parameters.

How do I export JUnit results from Eclipse?

In the top right corner of the Junit test runner, you can see a dropdown. Click that and you will find an option to export. Export the test result to the desired location. You will get the XML format of the test report in the provided location.

1 Answers

The JUnit library does not have any XML output options. To achieve such a thing, you'll need to write your own RunListener, which listens for the output and will in your case write the XML file.

However, to get the XML file in the correct format so that it can be read by CI system, I think it would be far easier to just use ant, either via the command line using a build.xml (JUnitReport), or using the java api: How can i use Apache ANT Programmatically.

EDIT: Initially, we had four options:

  1. Use ant from the command line
  2. Use ant programmatically (using the Java API)
  3. Use the XMLJUnitResultFormatter directly with JUnitCore
  4. Create a custom RunListener which produces the correct XML output.

Given the restrictions added by the OP, we can't use ant from the command line, which eliminates 1.

After looking more closely at the Ant JUnit task, it seems to be impossible to use this with JUnitCore (adding a TestListener), because ant uses the name of the test class directly, so you can't do a bridge class. From XMLJUnitResultFormatter.java

private void formatError(String type, Test test, Throwable t) {
    nested.setAttribute(ATTR_TYPE, t.getClass().getName());

    String strace = JUnitTestRunner.getFilteredTrace(t);
    Text trace = doc.createTextNode(strace);

This eliminates 3.

Invoke Ant programmatically, via the Java API. I can't find any recent documentation on this. This seems to be hard.

So, finally, I would do 4, a custom RunListener, using the code from XMLJUnitResultFormatter as a base. And then, I'd publish it on github.com, so this question could be answered properly :-)

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Matthew Farwell Avatar answered Oct 13 '22 22:10

Matthew Farwell