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Generating a WSDL using Python and SOAPpy

First of all, I will admit I am a novice to web services, although I'm familiar with HTML and basic web stuff. I created a quick-and-dirty web service using Python that calls a stored procedure in a MySQL database, that simply returns a BIGINT value. I want to return this value in the web service, and I want to generate a WSDL that I can give our web developers. I might add that the stored procedure only returns one value.

Here's some example code:


import SOAPpy
import MySQLdb

def getNEXTVAL():
    cursor = db.cursor()
    cursor.execute( "CALL my_stored_procedure()" )  # Returns a number

    for record in result:
        return record[0]

db=MySQLdb.connect(host="localhost", user="myuser", passwd="********", db="testing")
server = SOAPpy.SOAPServer(("", 8080))

I want to generate a WSDL that I can give to the web folks, and I'm wondering if it's possible to have SOAPpy just generate one for me. Is this possible?

like image 956
m0j0 Avatar asked Nov 07 '08 18:11


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To make SOAP requests to the SOAP API endpoint, use the "Content-Type: application/soap+xml" request header, which tells the server that the request body contains a SOAP envelope. The server informs the client that it has returned a SOAP envelope with a "Content-Type: application/soap+xml" response header.

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Python Web Services and Zolera Soap Infrastructure ((ZSI on PyPi) provides both client and server SOAP libraries.

What is a WSDL generator?

A Web Services Description Language (WSDL) document specifies the interface to a web service, and enables a web service client to start it. A WSDL document that is generated from a message model defines web service requests and responses in terms of the messages that you have defined in that message model.

1 Answers

When I tried to write Python web service last year, I ended up using ZSI-2.0 (which is something like heir of SOAPpy) and a paper available on its web.

Basically I wrote my WSDL file by hand and then used ZSI stuff to generate stubs for my client and server code. I wouldn't describe the experience as pleasant, but the application did work.

like image 66
che Avatar answered Oct 05 '22 21:10
