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Generating a range of numbers in MySQL




How do I generate a range of consecutive numbers (one per line) from a MySQL query so that I can insert them into a table?

For example:

nr 1 2 3 4 5 

I would like to use only MySQL for this (not PHP or other languages).

like image 329
nicudotro Avatar asked Oct 09 '08 11:10


People also ask

How do I select a range of values in MySQL?

In SQL, BETWEEN is a logical operator used to select a range of values from the table of the database. Using the between the query, we can also check whether a value is in the provided range or not. BETWEEN in MySQL is generally used with the SELECT statements, and with INSERT, DELETE, and UPDATE queries.

What is range operator in MySQL?

The BETWEEN Operator in MySQL is used to get the values within a specified range. The BETWEEN operator is used to compare the value in a column. This operator tests a range of values with a column value.

2 Answers

Here is one way to do it set-based without loops. This can also be made into a view for re-use. The example shows the generation of a sequence from 0 through 999, but of course, it may be modified to suit.

INSERT INTO     myTable     (     nr     ) SELECT     SEQ.SeqValue FROM ( SELECT     (HUNDREDS.SeqValue + TENS.SeqValue + ONES.SeqValue) SeqValue FROM     (     SELECT 0  SeqValue     UNION ALL     SELECT 1 SeqValue     UNION ALL     SELECT 2 SeqValue     UNION ALL     SELECT 3 SeqValue     UNION ALL     SELECT 4 SeqValue     UNION ALL     SELECT 5 SeqValue     UNION ALL     SELECT 6 SeqValue     UNION ALL     SELECT 7 SeqValue     UNION ALL     SELECT 8 SeqValue     UNION ALL     SELECT 9 SeqValue     ) ONES CROSS JOIN     (     SELECT 0 SeqValue     UNION ALL     SELECT 10 SeqValue     UNION ALL     SELECT 20 SeqValue     UNION ALL     SELECT 30 SeqValue     UNION ALL     SELECT 40 SeqValue     UNION ALL     SELECT 50 SeqValue     UNION ALL     SELECT 60 SeqValue     UNION ALL     SELECT 70 SeqValue     UNION ALL     SELECT 80 SeqValue     UNION ALL     SELECT 90 SeqValue     ) TENS CROSS JOIN     (     SELECT 0 SeqValue     UNION ALL     SELECT 100 SeqValue     UNION ALL     SELECT 200 SeqValue     UNION ALL     SELECT 300 SeqValue     UNION ALL     SELECT 400 SeqValue     UNION ALL     SELECT 500 SeqValue     UNION ALL     SELECT 600 SeqValue     UNION ALL     SELECT 700 SeqValue     UNION ALL     SELECT 800 SeqValue     UNION ALL     SELECT 900 SeqValue     ) HUNDREDS ) SEQ 
like image 85
Pittsburgh DBA Avatar answered Oct 01 '22 18:10

Pittsburgh DBA

Here's a hardware engineer's version of Pittsburgh DBA's solution:

SELECT     (TWO_1.SeqValue + TWO_2.SeqValue + TWO_4.SeqValue + TWO_8.SeqValue + TWO_16.SeqValue) SeqValue FROM     (SELECT 0 SeqValue UNION ALL SELECT 1 SeqValue) TWO_1     CROSS JOIN (SELECT 0 SeqValue UNION ALL SELECT 2 SeqValue) TWO_2     CROSS JOIN (SELECT 0 SeqValue UNION ALL SELECT 4 SeqValue) TWO_4     CROSS JOIN (SELECT 0 SeqValue UNION ALL SELECT 8 SeqValue) TWO_8     CROSS JOIN (SELECT 0 SeqValue UNION ALL SELECT 16 SeqValue) TWO_16; 
like image 32
David Ehrmann Avatar answered Oct 01 '22 17:10

David Ehrmann