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When should I use stored procedures?

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When should I use stored procedure?

A stored procedure provides an important layer of security between the user interface and the database. It supports security through data access controls because end users may enter or change data, but do not write procedures.

When would you use stored procedure in SQL?

Using stored procedures can help simplify and speed up the execution of SQL queries. Stored procedures can reduce network traffic between servers and clients, for example. This is a result of the commands being executed as a single batch of code rather than multiple.

Why should we use stored procedure?

By grouping SQL statements, a stored procedure allows them to be executed with a single call. This minimizes the use of slow networks, reduces network traffic, and improves round-trip response time. OLTP applications, in particular, benefit because result set processing eliminates network bottlenecks.

Should you still use stored procedures?

Stored procedures promote bad development practices, in particular they require you to violate DRY (Don't Repeat Yourself), since you have to type out the list of fields in your database table half a dozen times or more at least. This is a massive pain if you need to add a single column to your database table.

Wow... I'm going to swim directly against the current here and say, "almost always". There are a laundry list of reasons - some/many of which I'm sure others would argue. But I've developed apps both with and without the use of stored procs as a data access layer, and it has been my experience that well written stored procedures make it so much easier to write your application. Then there's the well-documented performance and security benefits.

This depends entirely on your environment. The answer to the question really isn't a coding problem, or even an analysis issue, but a business decision.

If your database supports just one application, and is reasonably tightly integrated with it, then it's better, for reasons of flexibility, to place your logic inside your application program. Under these circumstances handling the database simply as a plain data repository using common functionality looses you little and gains flexibility - with vendors, implementation, deployment and much else - and many of the purist arguments that the 'databases are for data' crowd make are demonstratively true.

On the other hand if your are handling a corporate database, which can generally be identified by having multiple access paths into it, then it is highly advisable to screw down the security as far as you can. At the very least all appropriate constraints should enabled, and if possible access to the data should be through views and procedures only. Whining programmers should be ignored in these cases as...

  1. With a corporate database the asset is valuable and invalid data or actions can have business-threatening consequences. Your primary concern is safeguarding the business, not how convenient access is for your coders.
  2. Such databases are by definition accessed by more than one application. You need to use the abstraction that stored procedures offer so the database can be changed when application A is upgraded and you don't have the resource to upgrade application B.
  3. Similarly the encapsulation of business logic in SPs rather than in application code allows changes to such logic to be implemented across the business more easily and reliably than if such logic is embedded in application code. For example if a tax calculation changes it's less work, and more robust, if the calculation has to be changed in one SP than multiple applications. The rule of thumb here is that the business rule should be implemented at the closest point to the data where it is unique - so if you have a specialist application then the logic for that app can be implemented in that app, but logic more widely applicable to the business should be implemented in SPs.

Coders who dive into religious wars over the use or not of SPs generally have worked in only one environment or the other so they extrapolate their limited experience into a cast-iron position - which indeed will be perfectly defensible and correct in the context from which they come but misses the big picture. As always, you should make you decision on the needs of the business/customers/users and not on the which type of coding methodology you prefer.

I tend to avoid stored procedures. The debugging tools tend to be more primitive. Error reporting can be harder (vs your server's log file) and, to me at least, it just seems to add another language for no real gain.

There are cases where it can be useful, particularly when processing large amounts of data on the server and of course for database triggers that you can't do in code.

Other than that though, I tend to do everything in code and treat the database as a big dump of data rather than something I run code on.

Consider Who Needs Stored Procedures, Anyways?:

For modern databases and real world usage scenarios, I believe a Stored Procedure architecture has serious downsides and little practical benefit. Stored Procedures should be considered database assembly language: for use in only the most performance critical situations.

and Why I do not use Stored Procedures:

The absolute worst thing you can do, and it's horrifyingly common in the Microsoft development world, is to split related functionality between sproc's and middle tier code. Grrrrrrrr. You just make the code brittle and you increase the intellectual overhead of understanding a system.

I said this in a comment, but I'm going to say it again here.

Security, Security, SECURITY.

When sql code is embedded in your application, you have to expose the underlying tables to direct access. This might sound okay at first. Until you get hit with some sql injection that scrambles all the varchar fields in your database.

Some people might say that they get around this by using magic quotes or some other way of properly escaping their embedded sql. The problem, though, is the one query a dev didn't escape correctly. Or, the dev that forgot to not allow code to be uploaded. Or, the web server that was cracked which allowed the attacker to upload code. Or,... you get the point. It's hard to cover all your bases.

My point is, all modern databases have security built in. You can simply deny direct table access (select, insert, update, and deletes) and force everything to go through your s'procs. By doing so generic attacks will no longer work. Instead the attacker would have to take the time to learn the intimate details of your system. This increases their "cost" in terms of time spent and stops drive by and worm attacks.

I know we can't secure ourselves against everything, but if you take the time to architect your apps so that the cost to crack it far outweighs the benefits then you are going to serious reduce your potential of data loss. That means taking advantage of all the security tools available to you.

Finally, as to the idea of not using s'procs because you might have to port to a different rdbms: First, most apps don't change database servers. Second, in the event that it's a real possibility, you have to code using ANSI sql anyway; which you can do in your procs. Third, you would have to reevaluate all of your sql code no matter what and it's a whole lot easier when that code is in one place. Fourth, all modern databases now support s'procs. Fifth, when using s'proc's you can custom tune your sql for the database it's running under to take advantage of that particular database's sql extensions.

Basically when you have to perform operations involving data that do not need to get out of the database. For example, you want to update one table with data from another, it makes little sense to get the data out and then back in if you can do it all in one single shot to the db.

Another situation where it may be acceptable to use stored procedures is when you are 100% sure you will never deploy your application to another database vendor. If you are an Oracle shop and you have lots of applications talking to the same database it may make sense to have stored procedures to make sure all of them talk to the db in a consistent manner.