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Generate jasmine report using Karma Runner

I want to obtain a report of all successful jasmine specs runned with karma, something like you obtain when using jasmine alone.

Is there anyway to achieve this?

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Tomas Romero Avatar asked May 22 '13 06:05

Tomas Romero

People also ask

How do I create a report in jasmine?

To configure Jasmine to generate reports in the NunitXML format, instantiate the NUnitXmlReporter reporter by adding the following code to your tests. The test reports are exported to the file specified by <test report directory> / <report filename> . In your buildspec. yml file, add/update the following sections.

Which of the following command is used to start the test runner in karma?

The ng test command builds the application in watch mode, and launches the Karma test runner.

What is software karma?

Karma is a node-based test tool that allows you to test your JavaScript codes across multiple real browsers. A node-based tool is any tool that needs the Nodejs engine installed for it to run and can be accessed (installed) through the node package manager (npm).

1 Answers

Try this quick plugin I wrote:


like image 97
Daniel Tabuenca Avatar answered Sep 18 '22 06:09

Daniel Tabuenca