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Generate interactive API docs from Tornado web server code

I have a Tornado web server that exposes some endpoints in its API. I want to be able to document my handlers (endpoints) in-code, including description, parameters, example, response structure, etc., and afterwards generate an interactive documentation that enables one to "play" with my API, easily make requests and experience the response on a sandbox environment.

I know Swagger, and particularly their SwaggerUI solution is one of the best tools for that, but I get confused how it works. I understand that I need to feed the SwaggerUI engine some .yaml that defines my API, but how do I generate it from my code? Many github libraries I found aren't good enough or only support Flask...


like image 603
mllm Avatar asked Mar 09 '23 13:03


2 Answers

To my understanding, SwaggerUI is dependent on swagger specification.
So, it boils down to generating the Swagger Specification in a clean and elegant manner.
Did you get a chance to look at apispec?
I am finding this to be an active project with a plugin for tornado.

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yottabytt Avatar answered Apr 07 '23 06:04


Here's how we are doing it in our project. We made our own module and we are still actively developing this. For more info: https://pypi.org/project/tornado-swirl/

import tornado.web
import tornado_swirl as swirl

class ItemHandler(tornado.web.RequestHandler):

    def get(self, itemid):
        """Get Item data.

        Gets Item data from database.

        Path Parameter:
            itemid (int) -- The item id

class User(object):
    """This is the user class

    Your usual long description.

        name (string) -- required.  Name of user
        age (int) -- Age of user


def make_app():
    return swirl.Application(swirl.api_routes())

if __name__ == "__main__":
    app = make_app()
like image 22
Rodolfo Narciso Duldulao Jr. Avatar answered Apr 07 '23 05:04

Rodolfo Narciso Duldulao Jr.