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Generalizing these lines of code?

While programming, I ran into a wall with some code. It looks like this:


And that's the problem. I took a pretty screenshot to reduce my guilt. The pretty colors do not make up for the lack of maintainability. I have close to no idea how to generalize code like this.

What I tried?

Well, consider the periodicity of the 3rd and 6th arguments. It aligns with the periodicity of the other arguments too. Something like this would allow us to convert this code into a loop with 9 lines if we use an array. That's an improvement as we go down by 66%. However, that's not good enough. It would be best if this were changed to have 1 line. That would at least make it a bit more maintainable.

Is this really a problem?

Well, let's put it this way. That code up there may as well be wrong.

like image 897
user123 Avatar asked Jan 11 '15 01:01


People also ask

How many lines of code are there in code?

How many lines of code? Students of the Code.org tutorials ( Code Studio) have written 28,948,932,621 lines of code. Is this a lot? By comparison, the Microsoft Windows operating system has roughly 50 million lines of code.

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The Large Hadron Collider uses 50 million lines. Not including backend code, Facebook runs on 62 million lines of code. With the advent of sophisticated, cloud-connected infotainment systems, the car software in a modern vehicle apparently uses 100 million lines of code. This is according to Wired magazine.

Is 50 million lines of code a lot?

Is this a lot? By comparison, the Microsoft Windows operating system has roughly 50 million lines of code. Of course, every engineer knows that "lines of code" is a silly measure, and besides, the lines of code we are counting here are much less complex than the code written by professional software engineers.

How many lines of code does android run on?

The Android operating system runs on 12-15 million lines. The Large Hadron Collider uses 50 million lines. Not including backend code, Facebook runs on 62 million lines of code. With the advent of sophisticated, cloud-connected infotainment systems, the car software in a modern vehicle apparently uses 100 million lines of code.

1 Answers

Well, it took some time to analyze the patterns.

Of course, first I used http://www.onlineocr.net/ to get the text from the screenshot. Then I started match highlighting to spot patterns.

  • You can see that make_cube takes effectively two (x,y,z) tuples
  • There are three groups or lines that end in the same z value
  • These three groups consist of three subgroups that end in the same (y,z) tuple
  • The x, y and z values enumerate the same pairs of values for each group.

This makes it "obvious" material for a generation loop. After some 20 minutes of refactoring I was down to

for (auto&& zs : { tie(rmin_z, imin_z), tie(imin_z, imax_z), tie(imax_z, rmax_z) })
    for (auto&& ys : { tie(rmin_y, imin_y), tie(imin_y, imax_y), tie(imax_y, rmax_y) })
        for (auto&& xs : { tie(rmin_x, imin_x), tie(imin_x, imax_x), tie(imax_x, rmax_x) })
    *out++ = make_cube(get<0>(xs), get<0>(ys), get<0>(zs), get<1>(xs), get<1>(ys), get<1>(zs));

But you'll notice the regularity in the loop ranges. Actually we have a sequence like

coord const sequence[] = { rmin, imin, imax, rmax };

and we select consecutive pairs: (rmin, imin), (imin, imax), (imax, rmax)

// we take all consecutive pairs (warning: ignoring the `(rmax, rmin)` closing pair here)
vector<pair<coord, coord>> pairs;
transform(begin(sequence), prev(end(sequence)), back_inserter(pairs), [](coord const& it) { return std::make_pair(*(&it+0), *(&it+1)); });

Now we can loop it more directly. I've also invented a simple Cube type that allows us to pretty print the result of the generator loop so you can verify the results in DEBUG mode:

for (auto zs : pairs) for (auto ys : pairs) for (auto xs : pairs)
    *out++ = Cube { { xs.first.x, ys.first.y, zs.first.z }, { xs.second.x, ys.second.y, zs.second.z } }; 

Live On Coliru

#include <iostream>
#include <algorithm>
#include <vector>
#include <array>

int main() {
#ifdef NDEBUG
    typedef double T;
    struct coord { T x,y,z; };

    coord rmin { 0,  1,  2 },
          imin { 3,  4,  5 },
          imax { 6,  7,  8 },
          rmax { 9, 10, 11 };
    typedef const char* T;
    struct coord { T x,y,z; };

    coord rmin { "rmin_x", "rmin_y", "rmin_z" },
          imin { "imin_x", "imin_y", "imin_z" },
          imax { "imax_x", "imax_y", "imax_z" },
          rmax { "rmax_x", "rmax_y", "rmax_z" };
    using namespace std;

    // the source sequence
    coord const sequence[] = { rmin, imin, imax, rmax };

    // we take all consecutive pairs (warning: ignoring the `(rmax, rmin)` closing pair here)
    vector<pair<coord, coord>> pairs;
    transform(begin(sequence), prev(end(sequence)), back_inserter(pairs), [](coord const& it) { return std::make_pair(*(&it+0), *(&it+1)); });

    // Now we build cubes. The `make_cube` interface implied it requires two
    // coordinates to be constructed:
    struct Cube { coord p1, p2; };
    std::array<Cube, 3*3*3> cubes;

    // generate!
    auto out = cubes.begin();
    for (auto zs : pairs) for (auto ys : pairs) for (auto xs : pairs)
        *out++ = Cube { { xs.first.x, ys.first.y, zs.first.z }, { xs.second.x, ys.second.y, zs.second.z } }; 

    // debug print
    for(auto const& c : cubes)
        std::cout << "make_cube(" << c.p1.x << ", " << c.p1.y << ", " << c.p1.z << ", " << c.p2.x << ", " << c.p2.y << ", " << c.p2.z << ")\n";


  1. My code looks more complicated. It probably is. But it's much easier to see whether typos were made
  2. Regarding the question

    Is this really a problem?

    Well, let's put it this way. That code up there may as well be wrong

    Indeed, I have a bit of a doubt whether you covered all your cases. See the first comment:

    // we take all consecutive pairs (warning: ignoring the `(rmax, rmin)` closing pair here)
like image 182
sehe Avatar answered Sep 25 '22 16:09
