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Generalized lambda capture on param-pack?

In C++14, generalized lambda capture let us do:

template<class T>
auto pack(T t)
    return [t=std::move(t)](auto&& f){f(t);};

But it doesn't play with param-pack:

template<class... T>
auto pack(T... t)
    return [t=std::move(t)...](auto&& f){f(t...);};

Is there any special syntax or further standard proposal to address this?

like image 797
Jamboree Avatar asked Jul 18 '14 02:07


People also ask

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The lambda is capturing an outside variable. A lambda is a syntax for creating a class. Capturing a variable means that variable is passed to the constructor for that class. A lambda can specify whether it's passed by reference or by value.

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Permalink. All the alternatives to passing a lambda by value actually capture a lambda's address, be it by const l-value reference, by non-const l-value reference, by universal reference, or by pointer.

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Lambdas always capture objects, and they can do so by value or by reference.

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1 Answers

My draft of C++14 says ([expr.prim.lambda]/24):

A simple-capture followed by an ellipsis is a pack expansion (14.5.3). An init-capture followed by an ellipsis is ill-formed.

So it looks like there is no way to do a variadic generalized capture. A possible workaround is to just capture the arguments in a tuple and then use one of the solutions suggested here: "unpacking" a tuple to call a matching function pointer

auto pack(T... t)
    return [args=make_tuple(std::move(t)...)](auto&& f){
               // find a way to call f with args


It's now voted into C++20, made by this proposal. Although the syntax is a bit different:

template<class... T>
auto pack(T... t)
    return [...t=std::move(t)](auto&& f){f(t...);};

Note that the ... is before the init-capture.

like image 140
Brian Bi Avatar answered Oct 04 '22 02:10

Brian Bi