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Gatsby + Markdown: How to get data from a specific markdown file into a single page?

I'm new to Gatsby, and making my best to learn it (along with React, in which I have no prior knowledge either). I'd like to create a single page getting data from one or several markdown files.

For now I'm testing it out with just Gatsby, in order to later reproduce that technique with Netlify CMS markdown files (and be able to update the page texts with Netlify CMS admin panel). So far, I've managed to add markdown pages to Gatsby, thanks to this tutorial. But this method only creates dynamic pages, which is far more complex than what I need.

Is there a simple way to import one specific markdown file, let's say src/markdowns/hero-texts.md, in (let's also say) pages/index.js, and then call data with their frontmatter tags, in the cleanest way as possible?

I've tried countless researches on Google just to find which plugin or coding term would handle that, without success. I totally get some of the explanations above may be full of technical misunderstandings, sorry for that...

like image 443
Florent Despinoy Avatar asked Aug 06 '19 15:08

Florent Despinoy

1 Answers

You have a markdown file called hero-texts.md and you want to be able to query its frontmatter content.

Install the plugins gatsby-transformer-remark and gatsby-source-filesystem and setup the gatsby-source-filesystem options to find your markdown files.

// gatsby-config.js

module.exports = {
    plugins: [
        resolve: `gatsby-source-filesystem`,
            options: {
              name: `markdown`,
              path: `${__dirname}/src/markdowns/`

You could make a graphql page query like this inside index.js (then the result of the query is automatically added to your index component under props.data)

// src/pages/index.js

import React from "react"
import { graphql } from "gatsby"

const IndexPage = ({data}) => {
  return (

export default IndexPage

export const pageQuery = graphql`
  query IndexPageQuery {
    markdownRemark(fileAbsolutePath: { regex: "/hero-texts.md/" }) {
      frontmatter {

It will perform the graphql query at build time, and add the result of the query to the data prop of the IndexPage page component.

So in effect, pulling in all the frontmatter fields from a markdown file that looked like this.

// src/markdowns/hero-texts.md

title: "Gatsby + Markdown: How to simply get data from a specific markdown in a single page?"
author: Florent Despinoy
date: 2019-08-06

# This is my markdown post

The content of this markdown file would not be queried by pageQuery (only the frontmatter would)
like image 66
ksav Avatar answered Oct 27 '22 09:10
