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Garbage collector issues in Haskell runtime when (de)allocations are managed in C

I would like to share data (in the simplest case an array of integers) between C and Haskell using Haskell's FFI functionality. The C side creates the data (allocating memory accordingly), but never modifies it until it is freed, so I thought the following method would be "safe":

  • After the data is created, the C function passes the length of the array and a pointer to its start.
  • On the Haskell side, we create a ForeignPtr, setting up a finalizer which calls a C function that frees the pointer.
  • We build a Vector using that foreign pointer which can be (immutably) used in Haskell code.

However, using this approach causes rather non-deterministic crashes. Small examples tend to work, but "once the GC kicks in", I start to get various errors from segmentation faults to "barf"s at this or this line in the "evacuation" part of GHC's GC.

What am I doing wrong here? What would be the "right way" of doing something like this?

An Example

I have a C header with the following declarations:

typedef struct CVector {
    const int32_t *pointer;
    size_t length;
} Vector;

void create_c_vector(struct CVector *vector);
void free_buffer(void *buff);

The Haskell code is generated from the following .chs file using c2hs:

import Foreign.C.Types
import Foreign.Concurrent
import Foreign.Marshal.Alloc
import Foreign.Ptr
import Foreign.Storable

import qualified Data.Vector.Storable as V

#include <cvector.h>

data ForeignVector = ForeignVector
  { pointerFV  :: Ptr CInt
  , lengthFV   :: CULong

instance Storable ForeignVector where
  sizeOf _ = {#sizeof CVector #}
  alignment _ = {#alignof CVector #}
  peek p =
      <$> {#get CVector->pointer #} p
      <*> {#get CVector->length #} p
  poke p (ForeignVector vecP l) =
    do {#set CVector.pointer #} p (castPtr vecP)
       {#set CVector.length #} p l

peekUnit :: Storable a => Ptr () -> IO a
peekUnit = peek . castPtr

{#fun create_c_vector as ^ { alloca- `ForeignVector' peekUnit*} -> `()' #}
{#fun free_buffer as ^ { `Ptr ()' } -> `()' #}

fromForeign :: ForeignVector -> IO (V.Vector CInt)
fromForeign (ForeignVector p l) =
    <$> newForeignPtr p (freeBuffer . castPtr $ p)
    <*> pure (fromIntegral l)

createVector :: IO (V.Vector CInt)
createVector = fromForeign =<< createCVector

One particular test I did yielded internal error: evacuate: strange closure type 177 after a few thousand calls to createVector.

PS: Here is why I would like to use Foreign.Concurrent.newForeignPtr instead of the more "standard" Foreign.ForeignPtr.newForeignPtr: In some more complicated cases I am anticipating, while freeing the pointer one should also clean up other things which can potentially depend on parameters that are passed from Haskell. Therefore I would like to have a "finalizer with multiple arguments" and pass a partial application as the actual finalizer. This means that I can't use a pointer to a C function as the finalizer. While I've read that one can cook up the FinalizerPtr required for the finalizer from Haskell functions using a "wrapping" mechanism, according to the documentation, function pointers obtained this way need to be explicitly deallocated with freeHaskellFunPtr and I don't want to do bookkeeping for that.

PPS: Here is a base64-encoded tarball with the complete source code of the example above (including code for an executable that reproduces the aforementioned error):

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aclow Avatar asked May 22 '21 23:05


1 Answers

Copied and extended from my earlier comment.

You may have a faulty cast or poke. One thing I make a point of doing, both as a defensive guideline and when debugging, is this:

Explicitly annotate the type of everything that can undermine types. That way, you always know what you’re getting. Even if a poke, castPtr, or unsafeCoerce has my intended type now, that may not be stable under code motion. And even if this doesn’t identify the issue, it can at least help think through it.

For example, I was once writing a null terminator into a byte buffer…which corrupted adjacent memory by writing beyond the end, because I was using '\NUL', which is not a char, but a Char—32 bits! The reason was that pokeByteOff is polymorphic: it has type (Storable a) => Ptr b -> Int -> a -> IO (), not … => Ptr a -> ….

This turned out to be the case in your code! Quoth @aclow:

The createVector generated by c2hs was equivalent to something like alloca $ \ ptr -> createCVector'_ ptr >> peek ptr, where createCVector'_ :: Ptr () -> IO (), which meant that alloca allocated only enough space to hold a unit. Changing the in-marshaller to alloca' f = alloca $ f . (castPtr :: Ptr ForeignVector -> Ptr ()) seems to solve the issue.

Things that turned out not to be the case, but could’ve been:

I’ve encountered a similar crash when a closure was getting corrupted by somebody (read: me) writing beyond an array. If you’re doing any writes without bounds checking, it may be helpful to replace them with checked versions to see if you can get an exception rather than heap corruption. In a way this is what was happening here, except that the write was to the alloca-allocated region, not the array.

Alternatively, consider lifetime issues: whether the ForeignPtr could be getting dropped & freeing the buffer earlier than you expect, giving you a use-after-free. In a particularly frustrating case, I’ve had to use touchForeignPtr to keep a ForeignPtr alive for that reason.

like image 87
Jon Purdy Avatar answered Oct 18 '22 22:10

Jon Purdy