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"Gamification" gem? [closed]

Does anyone know of a "gamification" gem? I'm looking for something that can provide the functionality that you would find from Badgeville, BigDoor, Bunchball, etc. It seems like those platforms, outside of analytics and in some cases, a simple setup process for creating virtual rewards, don't offer a whole lot that you couldn't build yourself if all your need is a to create a simple event-based reward system.

If anyone knows of any gems, or plugins that provide a setup for adding virtual rewards and "gamification" to your Rails site, let me know!

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aressidi Avatar asked Dec 09 '10 15:12


3 Answers

I've released my own open source gamification gem for RoR applications that uses Active Record, you should take a look, it's really easy to use, it's name is Gioco.

Here is the GitHub: https://github.com/GiocoApp/gioco I have a post about it too: http://www.sitepoint.com/gioco-the-gamification-gem/

Gioco also has a SaaS version (http://gioco.pro) with client gem to setup into Rails applications and a Heroku Add-On to support it (http://addons.heroku.com/giocopro).

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João Moura Avatar answered Nov 14 '22 00:11

João Moura

I built a gem for managing rankings (levels), badges and points granting in Rails apps. It's hosted in https://github.com/tute/merit.

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TuteC Avatar answered Nov 13 '22 23:11


Check out the UserInfuser (open source gamification platform) gem here: http://rubygems.org/gems/userinfuser

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Navraj Chohan Avatar answered Nov 13 '22 22:11

Navraj Chohan